Mishnah Snapshots

Personal Glimpses of Rabbi Yeshua


Step into the world of Yeshua and his disciples and understand the New Testament better through Judaism's oldest Bible commentary - the Mishnah.

The Mishnah and the New Testament are both Jewish sets of writings from roughly the same era. If you desire to behold the Jewish Jesus and understand the writings of his followers in their original Jewish context then you'll find the Mishnah to be invaluable for how it sheds light on the customs, culture, language, and geography of first-century Israel.

But there's a problem: The Mishnah is like a vast desert with thousands of pages of dry legal material and these insights are like golden nuggets lying just beneath the surface. You're going to miss most of them if you're just reading an English translation! That's where this course comes in, systematically scanning this massive work and zooming in to these specific sources so you can see these thrilling insights in the original text for yourself.

This course is in process. Sign up for texts/emails so you don't miss the newest lessons!

What is the Mishnah anyway, and what isn't it? What does the Hebrew word "Mishnah" actually mean? Is the word "mishnah" in the Bible and if so where? Is the Mishnah controversial? How many of the negative things that Christians/Messianics say about the Mishnah are true?

Intro #1 What's the Mishnah?

  • What is the Mishnah anyway, and what isn't it?
  • What does the Hebrew word "Mishnah" actually mean?
  • Is the word "mishnah" in the Bible and if so where?
  • Is the Mishnah controversial?
  • How many of the negative things that Christians/Messianics say about the Mishnah are true?
DISCLAIMER: These first four videos are different than the rest of the course. They use way more memes and spend more time explaining how much of what Christians and Messianics believe about historical Judaism is wrong. If that's not your thing hang in there to Lesson 5 where we start showing you the many beautiful places in the Mishnah that will bring you closer to Yeshua.
How long was this commentary taking shape before it was written down?  Is it in Hebrew or Aramaic?  What's the difference between the Mishnah and the Talmud?  The Million Dollar Question: Why have an oral Torah anyways, isn't the written Torah good enough?

Intro #2 ✡ How/why did the Mishnah happen?

  • How long was this commentary taking shape before it was written down? 
  • Is it in Hebrew or Aramaic? 
  • What's the difference between the Mishnah and the Talmud? 
  • The Million Dollar Question: Why have an oral Torah anyways, isn't the written Torah good enough?
Did the Mishnah exist in Yeshua's time and if so where was he at with it? Are Luke's "Sabbath day's journey" and "the Fast" in the written Torah? How about Hanukkah and the Water-Pouring Ceremony in John's Gospel? Is it a Biblical commandment or a Jewish tradition to pray before eating? Did Yeshua say to only obey Moses, or the Sages in his seat too? Are all traditions of men bad? How can I know when they are?

Intro #3 ✡ Did Yeshua support the Mishnah?

  • Did the Mishnah exist in Yeshua's time and if so where was he at with it?
  • Are Luke's "Sabbath day's journey" and "the Fast" in the written Torah?
  • How about Hanukkah and the Water-Pouring Ceremony in John's Gospel?
  • Is it a Biblical commandment or a Jewish tradition to pray before eating?
  • Did Yeshua say to only obey Moses, or the Sages in his seat too?
  • Are all traditions of men bad? How can I know when they are?
This talk is especially for you if... You haven't even read through the Bible yet. This feels like a lot and you're overwhelmed. You don't want to become Jewish. You believe all Christians should keep the Torah. You identify with the lost ten tribes and not Judah.

Intro #4 ✡ What should I do with the Mishnah?

This talk is especially for you if...
  • You haven't even read through the Bible yet.
  • This feels like a lot and you're overwhelmed.
  • You don't want to become Jewish.
  • You believe all Christians should keep the Torah.
  • You identify with the lost ten tribes and not Judah.

📖 Get The Mishnah

You don't need to order the Mishnah to watch this course - just subscribe here. If you do want to follow along more closely, use the PDFs under 'Reference' in the members-only Resources or order these large print books with vowel-pointed Hebrew and English translation, accompanied by introductions and extensive notes. See also the Rabbinic section of the Publishing House.

Course Playlist

VOLUME 1: Mo'ed (#5-#24)

Is the "greatest commandment" talked about in the Mishnah? Does Gamaliel show up anywhere in Jewish history? How are Paul's "Maranatha" and "Rabban" related terms? How does "Acts" of the Apostles mean legal precedents? Are the Karaites right about the "takanot and ma'asim of the Rabbis"? Did other Rabbis call their disciples sons/children or just Yeshua? Why is Rabbinic literature called "Chazal", what's that acronym mean? What's an example of building a fence around the Torah?

#5 ✡ Brachot 1:1

  • Is the "greatest commandment" talked about in the Mishnah?
  • Does Gamaliel show up anywhere in Jewish history?
  • How are Paul's "Maranatha" and "Rabban" related terms?
  • How does "Acts" of the Apostles mean legal precedents?
  • Are the Karaites right about the "takanot and ma'asim of the Rabbis"?
  • Did other Rabbis call their disciples sons/children or just Yeshua?
  • Why is Rabbinic literature called "Chazal", what's that acronym mean?
  • What's an example of building a fence around the Torah?
Who were the greatest sages in Jerusalem when Yeshua was a boy? What kinds of things did Hillel and Shammai disagree about? Why do Jewish people say "C.E." instead of "A.D."? How old are the traditional blessings said before/after the Shema? The Talmud says Messiah was supposed to come 2000 years ago! What do you take the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven? Was Paul alone in his emphasis on the basics of faith and love?

#6 ✡ Brachot 1:3-2:2

  • Who were the greatest sages in Jerusalem when Yeshua was a boy?
  • What kinds of things did Hillel and Shammai disagree about?
  • Why do Jewish people say "C.E." instead of "A.D."?
  • How old are the traditional blessings said before/after the Shema?
  • The Talmud says Messiah was supposed to come 2000 years ago!
  • What do you take the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven?
  • Was Paul alone in his emphasis on the basics of faith and love?
How are the Exodus and fulfilling the Torah connected in Hebrew? Any tips from the sages to Hebrew newbies? Did the early Jerusalem church pray the Eighteen Blessings prayer? Did you know the prayer for Messiah's coming says "Yeshuah" three times? Why did Yeshua say "when you stand praying" versus sitting or kneeling? Did the Master approve of the literal application of phylacteries? If "phylactery" is a Greek word what's the Hebrew equivalent?

#7 ✡ Brachot 2:3-3:1

  • How are the Exodus and fulfilling the Torah connected in Hebrew?
  • Any tips from the sages to Hebrew newbies?
  • Did the early Jerusalem church pray the Eighteen Blessings prayer?
  • Did you know the prayer for Messiah's coming says "Yeshuah" three times?
  • Why did Yeshua say "when you stand praying" versus sitting or kneeling?
  • Did the Master approve of the literal application of phylacteries?
  • If "phylactery" is a Greek word what's the Hebrew equivalent?
Does Mishnah distinguish between Rabbinic tradition and Torah commands? Was the early church's "hour of prayer" during Jewish "Mincha" How were Jewish and Romans ways of keeping time different? Did the Sages only do fast fixed prayers as is usually done today? Did the apostle John call God "Hashem"? How do Hasidic Jews and Gentiles show up in the Mishnah and NT? What does it mean that God is "the Place"/Omnipresent/Context?

#8 ✡ Brachot 3:4-5:1 

  • Does Mishnah distinguish between Rabbinic tradition and Torah commands?
  • Was the early church's "hour of prayer" during Jewish "Mincha"
  • How were Jewish and Romans ways of keeping time different?
  • Did the Sages only do fast fixed prayers as is usually done today?
  • Did the apostle John call God "Hashem"?
  • How do Hasidic Jews and Gentiles show up in the Mishnah and NT?
  • What does it mean that God is "the Place"/Omnipresent/Context?
Why are Jews quicker to understand the apostolic than Christians? What were the blessings Yeshua said before bread and wine? Is John 1:1's "all things created" from the Jewish blessing for food? What are the seven yummy species that put Israel on the map? What's an example of synagogue liturgy from Messiah's time?

#9 ✡ Brachot 5:5-7:3 

  • Why are Jews quicker to understand the apostolic than Christians?
  • What were the blessings Yeshua said before bread and wine?
  • Is John 1:1's "created all things" from the Jewish blessing for food?
  • What are the seven yummy species that put Israel on the map?
  • What's an example of synagogue liturgy from Messiah's time?
Why do we look at our fingernails for Judaism's prettiest ritual? Why did they only count the men at the feeding of the 5000? How did the prayer go that the Master said after eating? What did our Rabbi pray with his disciples before the Festivals? Why do Jews say Kiddush before Shabbat and Jewish holidays?

#10 ✡ Brachot 6:8-8:6

  • Why do we look at our fingernails for Judaism's prettiest ritual?
  • Why did they only count the men at the feeding of the 5000?
  • How did the prayer go that the Master said after eating?
  • What did our Rabbi pray with his disciples before the Festivals?
  • Why do Jews say Kiddush before Shabbat and Jewish holidays?
Where did Christians learn to say "amen" to people's prayers? Why were Samaritans called COOTIES in Hebrew? What should I say at Jewish weddings and funerals? What are some simple and profound principles of Jewish prayer? How does being Hebrew mean making babies?

#11 ✡ Brachot 8:8-9:4

  • Where did Christians learn to say "amen" to people's prayers?
  • Why were Samaritans called COOTIES in Hebrew?
  • What should I say at Jewish weddings and funerals?
  • What are some simple and profound principles of Jewish prayer?
  • How does being Hebrew mean making babies?
How does the Hebrew word for "helpmate" mean EQUAL TO? Is it ok to call Rabbi Yeshua "Abba"? What does "in the naaaaame of Jesus" actually mean? How was Gamaliel famous not just in the NT but in the Mishnah? When were the historical eras in the transition of Torah tradition?

#12 ✡ Peah 1:1-2:6

  • How does the Hebrew word for "helpmate" mean EQUAL TO?
  • Is it ok to call Rabbi Yeshua "Abba"?
  • What does "in the naaaaame of Jesus" actually mean?
  • How was Gamaliel famous not just in the NT but in the Mishnah?
  • When were the historical eras in the transition of Torah tradition?
If God wants you, why is he hiding from you? Why did Yeshua curse the fig tree when it wasn't even fig season? Ever notice the Hebrew wordplay in Peter's second epistle? How did they implement "corners of the field" in the time of Jesus? Why does Midrashic interpretation only work in Hebrew?

#13 ✡ Peah 4:4-8:9

  • If God wants you, why is he hiding from you?
  • Why did Yeshua curse the fig tree when it wasn't even fig season?
  • Ever notice the Hebrew wordplay in Peter's second epistle?
  • How did they implement "corners of the field" in the time of Jesus?
  • Why does Midrashic interpretation only work in Hebrew?
Did Yeshua agree with the Mishnah on cumin tithing? Why did the Pharisees separate themselves from the common people? Simon Peter had the power to bind and loose...what? Were wheat and tares an illegal mixture, or just dumb?  How are tares related to sexual immorality?

#14 ✡ Demai 2:1-Kilayim 1:1

  • Did Yeshua agree with the Mishnah on cumin tithing?
  • Why did the Pharisees separate themselves from the common people?
  • Simon Peter had the power to bind and loose...what?
  • Were wheat and tares an illegal mixture, or just dumb? 
  • How are tares related to sexual immorality?
Surprised to hear the old Hebrew word for hemp is...cannabus? Where is the broad road/narrow path dichotomy in Jewish law? Why is betrothal pictured by vines trained together and intertangling? What kind of vibe did parties in ancient Israel have? What are some wild and domesticated animal names in Hebrew?

#15 ✡ Kilayim 2:5-8:6

  • Surprised to hear the old Hebrew word for hemp is...cannabus?
  • Where is the broad road/narrow path dichotomy in Jewish law?
  • Why is betrothal pictured by vines trained together and intertangling?
  • What kind of vibe did parties in ancient Israel have?
  • What are some wild and domesticated animal names in Hebrew?
Did you know "blessed" through Abraham also means "grafted in"? Should you throw away your cotton/polyester underwear? Is "Our Father who art in Heaven" a phrase used in Jewish prayer? Did Paul get the concept of "dead not under the law" from the Mishnah? Where is "practicing your righteousness in secret" in Jewish law?

#16 ✡ Kilayim 7:1-9:9

  • Did you know "blessed" through Abraham also means "grafted in"?
  • Should you throw away your cotton/polyester underwear?
  • Is "Our Father who art in Heaven" a phrase used in Jewish prayer?
  • Did Paul get the concept of "dead not under the law" from the Mishnah?
  • Where is "practicing your righteousness in secret" in Jewish law?
Do you struggle with shame? Here's the story your heart needs to hear.  Why is it ok to call the Day of Trumpets "Rosh Hashanah"? In Hebrew fig trees either get harvested, or cursed...sound familiar?  Teel the beautiful symmetry of day starts in the evening, year starts in the fall? How is it prophetic that the word for Shavuot/Weeks/Pentecost means "stop"?

#17 ✡ Shvi'it 1:1-1:6

  • Do you struggle with shame? Here's the story your heart needs to hear. 
  • Why is it ok to call the Day of Trumpets "Rosh Hashanah"?
  • In Hebrew fig trees either get harvested, or cursed...sound familiar? 
  • Feel the beautiful symmetry of day starts in the evening, year starts in the fall?
  • How is it prophetic that the word for Shavuot/Weeks/Pentecost means "stop"?
Is something piercing your heart? Here's some encouragement. How is the meaning of "Bethphage" chillingly prophetic? Why are Jews are more comfortable with debates than Christians? Did Paul get his field and building analogies from the Mishnah?  Is there evidence the countup to Pentecost doesn't start on Sunday?

#18 ✡ Shvi'it 2:2-4:2

  • Is something piercing your heart? Here's some encouragement.
  • How is the meaning of "Bethphage" chillingly prophetic?
  • Why are Jews are more comfortable with debates than Christians?
  • Did Paul get his field and building analogies from the Mishnah? 
  • Is there evidence the countup to Pentecost doesn't start on Sunday?
What was nailed to the cross and done away with? The Torah? How does it feel to hear these legal terms Yeshua used to say "you're mine"? How is Hebrew all about crossing over to the other side, the great beyond? What kind of racial dynamics did Jesus and his followers face? How do barbers, scribes, and God all do the same job?

#19 ✡ Shvi'it 8:5-10:9

  • What was nailed to the cross and done away with? The Torah?
  • How does it feel to hear these legal terms Yeshua used to say "you're mine"?
  • How is Hebrew all about crossing over to the other side, the great beyond?
  • What kind of racial dynamics did Jesus and his followers face?
  • How do barbers, scribes, and God all do the same job?
Why do Messianic Jews say immerse instead of baptize? Is it true that Judaism is legalistic and focused on externals? What does it mean that Jesus is our Rabbi? Like teacher? Could this Hebrew wordplay in the New Testament move you to tears? How is discipleship all about lifestyle and habits?

#20 ✡ Terumot 2:3-11:10

  • Why do Messianic Jews say immerse instead of baptize?
  • Is it true that Judaism is legalistic and focused on externals?
  • What does it mean that Jesus is our Rabbi? Like teacher?
  • Could this Hebrew wordplay in the New Testament move you to tears?
  • How is discipleship all about lifestyle and habits?
Rabbi Jesus talked about tithing dill, just like other Rabbis Dwell and pledge are the same Hebrew word...think Holy Spirit In Judaism God and Jerusalem are both called "the Place" Paul got his idea of "reckoning yourself dead" from a deep Hebrew insight Want to see more of the glory of God in your life? Here's how.

#21 ✡ Ma'asrot 4:5 & Ma'aser Sheni 1:1-4:11

  • Rabbi Jesus talked about tithing dill, just like other Rabbis
  • Dwell and pledge are the same Hebrew word...think Holy Spirit
  • In Judaism God and Jerusalem are both called "the Place"
  • Paul got his idea of "reckoning yourself dead" from a deep Hebrew insight
  • Want to see more of the glory of God in your life? Here's how.
Is it true you shouldn't keep Torah if you can't keep it all perfectly?  How much do you know about the years between Malachi and Matthew?  What does the name "Iscariot" actually mean? What's Judas' backstory? Ever eaten Challah? Did you know there's an entire Tractate about it? Yom tov is a traditional Jewish name for Festival sabbaths

#22 ✡ Ma'aser Sheni 5:1-5:15, Challah

  • Is it true you shouldn't keep Torah if you can't keep it all perfectly? 
  • How much do you know about the years between Malachi and Matthew? 
  • What does the name "Iscariot" actually mean? What's Judas' backstory?
  • Ever eaten Challah? Did you know there's an entire Tractate about it?
  • Yom tov is a traditional Jewish name for Festival sabbaths
Why I wish I had these lessons when I started studying Torah Hebrew wordplay in Yeshua's teachings telling you to be your spicy self! Israel had ninjas way before Japan, except they were called "Sicarii" Jewish prayer and "Inclusion theology" in the Mishnah and New Testament The Hebrew word for "hermaphrodite" isn't actually a Hebrew word

#23 ✡ Orlah 2:4-Bikkurim 2:6

  • Why I wish I had these lessons when I started studying Torah
  • Hebrew wordplay in Yeshua's teachings telling you to be your spicy self!
  • Israel had ninjas way before Japan, except they were called "Sicarii"
  • Jewish prayer and "Inclusion theology" in the Mishnah and New Testament
  • The Hebrew word for "hermaphrodite" isn't actually a Hebrew word
Full-colour depiction of how the Firstfruits were brought to Jerusalem Who's King Agrippa and why is he in the Mishnah and the book of Acts? Vilifying the "takanot" of the Rabbis is misinformed at best, here's why Surnames like Sagan and Nanos are old Hebrew words from the Mishnah How is a wicker basket a picture of Messiah and his followers?

#24 ✡ Bikkurim 3:2-3:9

  • Full-colour depiction of how the Firstfruits were brought to Jerusalem
  • Who's King Agrippa and why is he in the Mishnah and the book of Acts?
  • Vilifying the "takanot" of the Rabbis is misinformed at best, here's why
  • Surnames like Sagan and Nanos are old Hebrew words from the Mishnah
  • How is a wicker basket a picture of Messiah and his followers?

VOLUME 2: Zeraim (#25-#58)

How is Torah study like dying cloth in a vat? Yeshua saying "the Father" sounds kind of stiff...is that how he said it? Do you light Shabbat candles? Here are some starter tips.  That "frontlets on your forehead" thing is literal, here's proof How did the sages feel about packing a piece?

#25 ✡ Shabbat 1:4-6:5

  • How is Torah study like dying cloth in a vat?
  • Yeshua saying "the Father" sounds kind of stiff...is that how he said it?
  • Do you light Shabbat candles? Here are some starter tips. 
  • That "frontlets on your forehead" thing is literal, here's proof
  • How did the sages feel about packing a piece?
The Hebrew term for "preparing the bride" will blow your mind Why did Jewish people carry a nail from a cross for healing? Flutes at funerals, and oil and wine on wounds, in the ancient Middle East Kids playing with grasshoppers and fighting over dessert is nothing new The Hebrew words for midwife, sandal, prayershawl, and pee are interesting

#26 ✡ Shabbat 6:2-23:4

  • The Hebrew term for "preparing the bride" will blow your mind
  • Why did Jewish people carry a nail from a cross for healing?
  • Flutes at funerals, and oil and wine on wounds, in the ancient Middle East
  • Kids playing with grasshoppers and fighting over dessert is nothing new
  • The Hebrew words for midwife, sandal, prayershawl, and pee are interesting
"Roll away the stone" means something that will take your breath away What does "Rebekah" mean? The Bible doesn't say, but Mishnah does How is a cistern of water like you when you're meditating on Torah? The way you measure people is a reflection of YOUR character, here's how How are evil spirits talked about in ancient Jewish writings?

#27Eruvin 1:7-5:4

  • "Roll away the stone" means something that will take your breath away
  • What does "Rebekah" mean? The Bible doesn't say, but Mishnah does
  • How is a cistern of water like you when you're meditating on Torah?
  • The way you measure people is a reflection of YOUR character, here's how
  • How are evil spirits talked about in ancient Jewish writings?
If I'm a Messianic Jew should I leave my non-Messianic synagogue? "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord", is that a formula? What if your spirit's outside and your body's inside instead of vice versa? In Jewish law you become one through wine or bread, sound familiar? "Light and heavy" in Jewish hermeneutics and in the New Testament

#28 ✡ Eruvin 5:6-10:14

  • If I'm a Messianic Jew should I leave my non-Messianic synagogue?
  • "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord", is that a formula?
  • What if your spirit's outside and your body's inside instead of vice versa?
  • In Jewish law you become one through wine or bread, sound familiar?
  • "Light and heavy" in Jewish hermeneutics and in the New Testament
The Jewish euphemism for the night of Passover will chill you What was Israel doing during the Last Supper and Crucifixion?  The Jewish nickname for Yeshua means "undecided" and "suspense"...WHY?  What's the difference between yeast and leaven? How about symbolically?  What did a Passover Seder look like 2000 years ago?

#29 ✡ Pesachim 1:1-2:8 

  • The Jewish euphemism for the night of Passover will chill you
  • What was Israel doing during the Last Supper and Crucifixion? 
  • The Jewish nickname for Yeshua means "undecided" and "suspense"...WHY? 
  • What's the difference between yeast and leaven? How about symbolically? 
  • What did a Passover Seder look like 2000 years ago?
Wasn't Passover on the 15th? What was Yeshua eating on the 14th? What does the relationship between a rabbi and disciple look like? The Passover sacrificial procedures were a graphic picture of Christ's passion Charming story about a Dad getting his sons to race to Jerusalem Why are there mysterious dots over some letters in the Torah?

#30 ✡ Pesachim 4:5-9:3

  • Wasn't Passover on the 15th? What was Yeshua eating on the 14th?
  • What does the relationship between a rabbi and disciple look like?
  • The Passover sacrificial procedures were a graphic picture of Christ's passion
  • Charming story about a Dad getting his sons to race to Jerusalem
  • Why are there mysterious dots over some letters in the Torah?
Why are there four cups in a Passover seder, and how old is that tradition? Why is there a fifth cup for Elijah, and how Messianic is that? Jesus is coming to take us...where? (brace yourself) What was the hymn Yeshua and his disciples sang after their seder? How many of the prayers in the Siddur go back 2000 years?

#31 ✡ Pesachim 9:3-10:7

  • Why are there four cups in a Passover seder, and how old is that tradition?
  • Why is there a fifth cup for Elijah, and how Messianic is that?
  • Jesus is coming to take us...where? (brace yourself)
  • What was the hymn Yeshua and his disciples sang after their seder?
  • How many of the prayers in the Siddur go back 2000 years?
The Hebrew word for the salty parsley is so beautiful it'll bring tears to your eyes Here's how we know that much of the Seder is from the time of Jesus Passover teaches us to tell our whole stories - the good, bad, and ugly Do you know which of the Passover elements isn't actually commanded? Afikoman is so messianic it will blow your mind...and it's a tradition of men!

#32 ✡ Pesachim 10:1-10:7

  • The Hebrew word for salty parsley is so beautiful it'll bring tears to your eyes
  • Here's how we know that much of the Seder is from the time of Jesus
  • Passover teaches us to tell our whole stories - the good, bad, and ugly
  • Do you know which of the Passover elements isn't actually commanded?
  • Afikoman is so messianic it will blow your mind...and it's a tradition of men!
Have you seen the images on the holy half-shekel coins? Did they celebrate Purim in the time of Jesus? Why is the "two-drachma tax" story Izzy's favourite? Did you know having the upper hand is a Hebrew expression? Why are non-Greek words like "mammon" in the Greek NT?

#33 ✡ Shekalim 1:1-5:2

  • Have you seen the images on the holy half-shekel coins?
  • Did they celebrate Purim in the time of Jesus?
  • Why is the "two-drachma tax" story Izzy's favourite?
  • Did you know having the upper hand is a Hebrew expression?
  • Why are non-Greek words like "mammon" in the Greek NT?
The Jerusalem Temple and Messianic Community both had seven "deacons" The Second Temple had a room for "giving in secret"...sound familiar? A Priest found the Ark and died before he could tell anyone! Example of how the "takanot and ma'asim of the Rabbis" aren't evil Holiness is all about accomplishing your mission in concrete ways

#34 ✡ Shekalim 5:2-6:4 

  • The Jerusalem Temple and Messianic Community both had seven "deacons"
  • The Second Temple had a room for "giving in secret"...sound familiar?
  • A Priest found the Ark and died before he could tell anyone!
  • Example of how the "takanot and ma'asim of the Rabbis" aren't evil
  • Holiness is all about accomplishing your mission in concrete ways
Why do Jews call God "Hashem"? How old is that tradition?  Are non-Jewish believers Gentiles, or is that a dirty word? The "takanot" of the Rabbis are "tikkun" olam and aren't all evil. Hit rock bottom? You're in the best place of your life if you do this. You're not going to believe what happened to the Sanhedrin in 30 A.D! Did they still bring stuff to Jerusalem after the Temple was destroyed?

#35 ✡ Shekalim 6:6-8:8

  • Why do Jews call God "Hashem"? How old is that tradition? 
  • Are non-Jewish believers Gentiles, or is that a dirty word?
  • The "takanot" of the Rabbis are "tikkun" olam and aren't all evil.
  • Hit rock bottom? You're in the best place of your life if you do this.
  • You're not going to believe what happened to the Sanhedrin in 30 A.D!
  • Did they still bring stuff to Jerusalem after the Temple was destroyed?
Count with me the many ways that a man's wife is his home Is Yeshua 100% spiritual or 100% physical, or both? Single and married are both good gifts from God and have pros and cons You don't have agree with the Mishnah for it to have historical value New to the Jewish prayerbook? Here's the best tour guide to the Siddur.

#36 ✡ Yoma 1:1-1:3

  • Count with me the many ways that a man's wife is his home
  • Is Yeshua 100% spiritual or 100% physical, or both?
  • Single and married are both good gifts from God and have pros and cons
  • You don't have agree with the Mishnah for it to have historical value
  • New to the Jewish prayerbook? Here's the best tour guide to the Siddur.

#37 ✡ Yoma 1:5-5:2

  • Where did Jesus get the idea of apostles from...was that Jewish?
  • Peter's nickname meant Rock in Greek and Runaway in Hebrew. Coincidence?
  • What was the high priest doing on the night of Yom Kippur? 
  • Three people who inspired me when I first starting teaching Hebrew
  • If the ark wasn't in the Second Temple, where was the presence of God?
Where was God during the "silent years" between Malachi and Matthew? Multiplication of loaves under Shimon HaTzadik's ministry, sound familiar? Alexander the Great shocked everyone by bowing to the Kohen Gadol, here's the story 3 miracles stopped happening in the Temple starting in 30 AD...why? Sometimes Christian evangelism of Jews comes across as an uninformed attack

#38 ✡ Yoma 6:8

  • Where was God during the "silent years" between Malachi and Matthew?
  • Multiplication of loaves under Shimon HaTzadik's ministry, sound familiar?
  • Alexander the Great shocked everyone by bowing to the Kohen Gadol, here's the story
  • 3 miracles stopped happening in the Temple starting in 30 AD...why?
  • Sometimes Christian evangelism of Jews comes across as an uninformed attack
Why is God's name "ineffable" and what does that actually mean? The Jewish prayerbook is full of echoes from the time of Messiah Is God's kingdom a geographical political entity, or is it even bigger? Yom Kippur doesn't work in these two situations Beautiful midrash from a word meaning "hope" and "baptismal tank"

#39 ✡ Yoma 3:8-8:9

  • Why is God's name "ineffable" and what does that actually mean?
  • The Jewish prayerbook is full of echoes from the time of Messiah
  • Is God's kingdom a geographical political entity, or is it even bigger?
  • Yom Kippur doesn't work in these two situations
  • Beautiful midrash from a word meaning "hope" and "baptismal tank"
How do you know what a Sukkah is...and isn't? Why were the disciples sleeping under the Rabbi's bed? Why did Shammai the sage tear a hole in his in-law's roof? Was Yeshua the only Hebrew guru who told parables? The Jewish holiday when they shake it...like shake the lulav.

#40 ✡ Sukkah 1:4-3:12

  • How do you know what a Sukkah is...and isn't?
  • Why were the disciples sleeping under the Rabbi's bed?
  • Why did Shammai the sage tear a hole in his in-law's roof?
  • Was Yeshua the only Hebrew guru who told parables?
  • The Jewish holiday when they shake it...like shake the lulav.
Why didn't Jared Kushner's romantic bouquet have any flowers? Dr. John Gill's Hebraic Bible commentary is gorgeous and FREE Why did John specify which day Yeshua said "If anyone is thirsty"? This "takanot of the Rabbis" literally kept people from losing an eye The commandments are the seeds of Kingdom culture, that's so positive!

#41 ✡ Sukkah 3:13-4:7

  • Why didn't Jared Kushner's romantic bouquet have any flowers?
  • Dr. John Gill's Hebraic Bible commentary is gorgeous and FREE
  • Why did John specify which day Yeshua said "If anyone is thirsty"?
  • This "takanot of the Rabbis" literally kept people from losing an eye
  • The commandments are the seeds of Kingdom culture, that's so positive!
What was happening on "the last day, the great day of the feast"? Here's how I came to grips with commandments that aren't in the written Torah The Mishnah displays internal evidence of historical accuracy The lost meaning of "Siloam" charges the old story with new power They're doing the ancient Water Libation ceremony in Jerusalem again!

#42 ✡ Sukkah 4:1-5:4 

  • What was happening on "the last day, the great day of the feast"?
  • Here's how I came to grips with commandments that aren't in the written Torah
  • The Mishnah displays internal evidence of historical accuracy
  • The lost meaning of "Siloam" charges the old story with new power
  • They're doing the ancient Water Libation ceremony in Jerusalem again!
Why is Abraham's bosom the Hebrew version of "happily ever after"? The real Hillel sandwich was two Gamliels between three Shimons Sometimes the Jewish religious leaders followed Rabbi Yeshua's teachings! One of the 1050 NT commandments is...do everything in Yeshua's name. "Many bodies physically, one soul spiritually" explains God, Messiah, and us

#43 ✡ Beitzah 1:8-4:5

  • Why is Abraham's bosom the Hebrew version of "happily ever after"?
  • The real Hillel sandwich was two Gamliels between three Shimons
  • Sometimes the Jewish religious leaders followed Rabbi Yeshua's teachings!
  • One of the 1050 NT commandments is...do everything in Yeshua's name.
  • "Many bodies physically, one soul spiritually" explains God, Messiah, and us
What's better for relationships, you in judging mode or perceiving mode? The "if this, then how much more that" equation in Jewish logic What's pictured by snowflakes, olive oil, crystal, and frankincense resin? The Jewish concept of the merit of the righteous in a Messianic context How is "worthy" compatible with "by grace through faith"?

#44 ✡ Beitzah 5:2-5:7

  • What's better for relationships, you in judging mode or perceiving mode?
  • The "if this, then how much more that" equation in Jewish logic
  • What's pictured by snowflakes, olive oil, crystal, and frankincense resin?
  • The Jewish concept of the merit of the righteous in a Messianic context
  • How is "worthy" compatible with "by grace through faith"?
If Nisan's the first month why is the new year in Tishrei? The Torah calls it "Yom Teruah" so where did "Rosh Hashanah" come from? Upon which dates is it believed that God decides for food, water, and physical life? Women, gamblers, and traffickers couldn't testify, what did Yeshua think? Imagine carrying a staff to fight thugs en route to Jerusalem! How were the Lubavitch Rebbe's emissaries similar to Yeshua's apostles?

#45 ✡ Rosh Hashanah 1:1-2:2

  • If Nisan's the first month why is the new year in Tishrei?
  • The Torah calls it "Yom Teruah" so where did "Rosh Hashanah" come from?
  • Upon which dates is it believed that God decides for food, water, and physical life?
  • Women, gamblers, and traffickers couldn't testify, what did Yeshua think?
  • Imagine carrying a staff to fight thugs en route to Jerusalem!
  • How were the Lubavitch Rebbe's emissaries similar to Yeshua's apostles?

#46 ✡ Rosh Hashanah 2:2-2:4

  • How did New Moon signal fires foretell the spread of Yeshua's movement?
  • Why does Judaism expect two Messiahs, sons of Joseph and David?
  • How does rough rope symbolize who Yeshua is and what he does?
  • Did you know "serpent" and "Messiah" have the same numerical value?
  • These year-long performances will inspire you to view your life as art.
The nickname for the Mount of Olives pointed to Yeshua in startling ways Setting the NT in its Semitic context is hard work! Here's an example. Which directions can you go in the fifth dimension you can't in the four? Here's how the title "midwife" is one of Hebrew's highest compliments. John the Baptist's most cryptic statement was Hebrew wordplay, that's why. Why is Ramadan at a different time every year but Passover isn't?

#47 ✡ Rosh Hashanah 2:4-7

  • The nickname for the Mount of Olives pointed to Yeshua in startling ways
  • Setting the NT in its Semitic context is hard work! Here's an example.
  • Which directions can you go in the fifth dimension you can't in the four?
  • Here's how the title "midwife" is one of Hebrew's highest compliments.
  • John the Baptist's most cryptic statement was Hebrew wordplay, that's why.
  • Why is Ramadan at a different time every year but Passover isn't?
Fights about the calendar are nothing new, so what did the sages do? A beautiful story about the relationship between rabbi and disciple Why does the Hebrew word for Torah-observance also means Exodus? "Our Father who art in Heaven", is that a Christian or a Jewish prayer? How much of the synagogue service is from Yeshua's time and WWJD?

#48 ✡ Rosh Hashanah 2:8-4:9

  • Fights about the calendar are nothing new, so what did the sages do?
  • A beautiful story about the relationship between rabbi and disciple
  • Why does the Hebrew word for Torah-observance also means Exodus?
  • "Our Father who art in Heaven", is that a Christian or a Jewish prayer?
  • How much of the synagogue service is from Yeshua's time and WWJD?
Did you know Israel gets about as much rain as Sudan? When are the "early and latter rains", anyway? Why do Jews pray for rain in the blessing of the resurrection? How long did it take to hike from Babylon to Israel? Why did Yeshua say to anoint yourself when fasting? The bittersweet experience of walking the spiritual path

#49 ✡ Ta'anit 1:1-1:7

  • Did you know Israel gets about as much rain as Sudan?
  • When are the "early and latter rains", anyway?
  • Why do Jews pray for rain in the blessing of the resurrection?
  • How long did it take to hike from Babylon to Israel?
  • Why did Yeshua say to anoint yourself when fasting?
  • The bittersweet experience of walking the spiritual path
Why were the people of Nazareth putting ashes on their heads? How does the Holy Spirit feel about liturgy and orders of service? Is it ok to call the books of Joshua to Revelation "Torah" or not? Some words from the heart if you're empty or angry What can you learn from the Jewish practice of praying Scripture? What's different about Mondays and Thursdays for Jews?

#50 ✡ Ta'anit 2:1-2:10 

  • Why were the people of Nazareth putting ashes on their heads?
  • How does the Holy Spirit feel about liturgy and orders of service?
  • Is it ok to call the books of Joshua to Revelation "Torah" or not?
  • Some words from the heart if you're empty or angry
  • What can you learn from the Jewish practice of praying Scripture?
  • What's different about Mondays and Thursdays for Jews?
Why did people blow shofars in ancient times? Is there internal evidence the Mishnah is historically accurate? Here's how helpmeet means "Hero" and not "Hamburger Helper" What do the Hebrew letters on Izzy's fingers spell? The story of Choni who wouldn't leave his prayer circle until… If the Hallel is Psalms 113 to 118, what's the Great Hallel?

#51 ✡ Ta'anit 3:3-3:9

  • Why did people blow shofars in ancient times?
  • Is there internal evidence the Mishnah is historically accurate?
  • Here's how helpmeet means "Hero" and not "Hamburger Helper"
  • What do the Hebrew letters on Izzy's fingers spell?
  • The story of Choni who wouldn't leave his prayer circle until…
  • If the Hallel is Psalms 113 to 118, what's the Great Hallel?
If synagogues aren't commanded in Torah, where did they come from? How can you prove that the Jews are really Jews? How old are Jewish liturgical rites like Mussaf and Neilah? What do the events of 4.17 and 5.9 tell you about the Hebrew calendar? Why is it incredible the families of David and Jonadab were still around? Why remember "family over beauty" when watching dancing girls?

#52 ✡ Ta'anit 4:1-4:8 

  • If synagogues aren't commanded in Torah, where did they come from?
  • How can you prove that the Jews are really Jews?
  • How old are Jewish liturgical rites like Mussaf and Neilah?
  • What do the events of 4.17 and 5.9 tell you about the Hebrew calendar?
  • Why is it incredible the families of David and Jonadab were still around?
  • Why remember "family over beauty" when watching dancing girls?
How are the names and themes of the Esther and Apocalypse scrolls related? Why is the Hebrew font called Assyrian, and how was that different from Phoenician? Why did the Hanukkah heroes call Greek language and culture "mud"? In Mishnaic Hebrew you'd say "Yeshua ha'MASHUACH" but should you? If the Ceremonial Law is "obsolete" why do the prophets say we'll be doing it in the future? Are synagogues holy places? How about the Temple Mount? Picture time!

#53 ✡ Megillah 1:8-3:3

  • How are the names and themes of the Esther and Apocalypse scrolls related?
  • Why is the Hebrew font called Assyrian, and how was that different from Phoenician?
  • Why did the Hanukkah heroes call Greek language and culture "mud"?
  • In Mishnaic Hebrew you'd say "Yeshua ha'MASHUACH" but should you?
  • If the Ceremonial Law is "obsolete" why do the prophets say we'll be doing it in the future?
  • Are synagogues holy places? How about the Temple Mount? Picture time!
Why is the whole week called the Sabbath in Hebrew? Why is the story of Amalek read for the festival of Purim?  Here's why it's hard for empaths to read R-rated Bible stories If Decem is 10 why isn't December the 10th month anymore? How many people read from the Torah on Mondays and Thursdays? Did the authors of the New Testament do the synagogue prayers? How do you prove to Black Hebrew Israelites that the Jews are really Jews?

#54 ✡ Megillah 3:4-4:1

  • Why is the whole week called the Sabbath in Hebrew?
  • Why is the story of Amalek read for the festival of Purim? 
  • Here's why it's hard for empaths to read R-rated Bible stories
  • If Decem is 10 why isn't December the 10th month anymore?
  • How many people read from the Torah on Mondays and Thursdays?
  • Did the authors of the New Testament do the synagogue prayers?
  • How do you prove to Black Hebrew Israelites that the Jews are really Jews?
WWJD? Read the Haftarah! How much do you know about this mysterious custom? What do you mean, the Mishnah and the New Testament go hand in hand? Did you know half the "Our Father" is from Judaism's oldest and most-repeated prayer? Why were all the Christological passages excluded from the Prophetic readings? What does the connection between Haftarah and Afikoman tell you about Yeshua?

#55 ✡ Megillah 4:1-2

  • WWJD? Read the Haftarah! How much do you know about this mysterious custom?
  • What do you mean, the Mishnah and the New Testament go hand in hand?
  • Did you know half the "Our Father" is from Judaism's oldest and most-repeated prayer?
  • Why were all the Christological passages excluded from the Prophetic readings?
  • What does the connection between Haftarah and Afikoman tell you about Yeshua?
Was Simon's father named Jonah or John? Why do the Gospels contradict each other? The Greek name "Peter" has a Hebrew meaning in the Gospels and Jewish literature! Why is a "minyan of ten" required for a Torah service? Is that Biblical? Here's an example of how the Gemara is "packed" with info that "unpacks" the Mishnah. Did Jesus speak Hebrew or Aramaic? Or were both living languages in the Second Temple era? First stop and let it sink in that the Father doesn't treat you like an outsider. Then... Were the Rabbis and Apostles both "binding and loosing" in their halachic decisions? Why are some passages not read, and others not translated, in synagogue?

#56 ✡ Megillah 4:3-4:10

  • Was Simon's father named Jonah or John? Why do the Gospels contradict each other?
  • The Greek name "Peter" has a Hebrew meaning in the Gospels and Jewish literature!
  • Why is a "minyan of ten" required for a Torah service? Is that Biblical?
  • Here's an example of how the Gemara is "packed" with info that "unpacks" the Mishnah.
  • Did Jesus speak Hebrew or Aramaic? Or were both living languages in the Second Temple era?
  • First stop and let it sink in that the Father doesn't treat you like an outsider. Then...
  • Were the Rabbis and Apostles both "binding and loosing" in their halachic decisions?
  • Why are some passages not read, and others not translated, in synagogue?
Are the middle days of Passover and Tabernacles holy or "profane"? Did Paul get his analogy of irrigated versus naturally watered fields from the Mishnah? Are you spiritually mature? How about your congregation? Here's how to tell. This Greek word used in Mishnah, Peshitta, and Delitzsch NT is spelled four different ways. What does Jewish law do with people whose gender is both, neither, or unknown? See the boy riding on his Abba's shoulders and going up to the Temple? Adorbs.

#57 ✡ Moed Katan & Chagigah 1:1

  • Are the middle days of Passover and Tabernacles holy or "profane"?
  • Did Paul get his analogy of irrigated versus naturally watered fields from the Mishnah?
  • Are you spiritually mature? How about your congregation? Here's how to tell.
  • This Greek word used in Mishnah, Peshitta, and Delitzsch NT is spelled four different ways.
  • What does Jewish law do with people whose gender is both, neither, or unknown?
  • See the boy riding on his Abba's shoulders and going up to the Temple? Adorbs.
Do you know what the Hebrew word "Pharisee" literally mean? Why do Jewish people say their mission is "Tikkun Olam" and where's that in Scripture? Are Yeshua's "greatest/least commandments" and "weighty matters of the Law" in Mishnah also? What did the sages do with the 'literal six days' and 'conflicting creation accounts' controversies? Let's get romantic and talk about hearing Yeshua's voice and seeing his face in...Rabbinic writings! What can the Jewish institution of discipleship teach us about our relationship with the Master? How did the centuries-old leadership structure in Israel change around 30 A.D., and why? Did you hear about the old Essene named Menachem and his prophecy to boy Herod?

#58 ✡ Chagigah 1:7-2:2

  • Do you know what the Hebrew word "Pharisee" literally mean?
  • Why do Jewish people say their mission is "Tikkun Olam" and where's that in Scripture?
  • Are Yeshua's "greatest/least commandments" and "weighty matters of the Law" in Mishnah also?
  • What did the sages do with the 'literal six days' and 'conflicting creation accounts' controversies?
  • Let's get romantic and talk about hearing Yeshua's voice and seeing his face in...Rabbinic writings!
  • What can the Jewish institution of discipleship teach us about our relationship with the Master?
  • How did the centuries-old leadership structure in Israel change around 30 A.D., and why?
  • Did you hear about the old Essene named Menachem and his prophecy to boy Herod?

VOLUME 3: Nashim (#59-)

Did the Sadducees plagiarize their story from the Mishnah? What are the different Hebrew words for the revival of the dead? Is your Torah-observance powered by the resurrection? Polygamy? The Hebrew term for "fellow-wife" will surprise you. Did Yeshua tell his disciples they'd go through the Great Tribulation? Is there evidence the Master expected us to keep keeping Shabbat?

#59 ✡ Yevamot 1:1

  • Did the Sadducees plagiarize their story from the Mishnah?
  • What are the different Hebrew words for the revival of the dead?
  • Is your Torah-observance powered by the resurrection?
  • Polygamy? The Hebrew term for "fellow-wife" will surprise you.
  • Did Yeshua tell his disciples they'd go through the Great Tribulation?
  • Is there evidence the Master expected us to keep keeping Shabbat?
Here's an example of why the Jewish stereotype is "smart" Let's talk about your brain's two modes, judging and perceiving Does matrilineal Jewishness have support in ancient law? Can women be priests? Is there a Hebrew word for female priests? How is the Jewish wedding a picture of Christ and his church? Why does this epithet for Yeshua mean to postpone a decision? What's the connection between Baal and the modern sex industry? Did you hear about the other Martha? Have you ever hammered out the commandment to be fruitful?

#60 ✡ Yevamot 2:5-6:6

  • Here's an example of why the Jewish stereotype is "smart"
  • Let's talk about your brain's two modes, judging and perceiving
  • Does matrilineal Jewishness have support in ancient law?
  • Can women be priests? Is there a Hebrew word for female priests?
  • How is the Jewish wedding a picture of Christ and his church?
  • Why does this epithet for Yeshua mean to postpone a decision?
  • What's the connection between Baal and the modern sex industry?
  • Did you hear about the other Martha?
  • Have you ever hammered out the commandment to be fruitful?
How is "being Hebrew" pictured by pregnancy and leap years? If "women shall be saved through childbearing" what do men do? Was there any way in which the Son of God was greater than the Father? Does Hebrew ever jumble those three-letter roots around? What did the ritual of Levirate marriage look like in Yeshua's time? Why are we called "Holy Language" Institute? Why do children come from the verb for construction? Have you ever experienced the voice of God as a "bat kol"? The insights in this concluding story are too many to list

#61 ✡ Yevamot 7:3-16:7

  • How is "being Hebrew" pictured by pregnancy and leap years?
  • If "women shall be saved through childbearing" what do men do?
  • Was there any way in which the Son of God was greater than the Father?
  • Does Hebrew ever jumble those three-letter roots around?
  • What did the ritual of Levirate marriage look like in Yeshua's time?
  • Why are we called "Holy Language" Institute?
  • Why do children come from the verb for construction?
  • Have you ever experienced the voice of God as a "bat kol"?
  • The insights in this concluding story are too many to list
What does the Jewish wedding ketubah say, is it romantic? Why are Jewish weddings on Tuesday now but not in the Mishnah? Why are plants and animals consistent but humans are flippy? Why did Saul of Tarsus sign his epistles with his own hand? Was it legal or contradictory for Yeshua to testify about himself? Swearing by the Temple, was that actually a thing? What if we all called God "Dad" when we talked about him?

#62 ✡ Ketubot 1:1-2:10

  • What does the Jewish wedding ketubah say, is it romantic?
  • Why are Jewish weddings on Tuesday now but not in the Mishnah?
  • Why are plants and animals consistent but humans are flippy?
  • Why did Saul of Tarsus sign his epistles with his own hand?
  • Was it legal or contradictory for Yeshua to testify about himself?
  • Swearing by the Temple, was that actually a thing?
  • What if we all called God "Dad" when we talked about him?
Could God's laws be arrived at rationally or only by revelation? Why does the Torah take sex outside of marriage so seriously? Why did Paul say children are holy because of a believing parent? What's with them playing flutes because Jairus' daughter died? How did those personal little details get into the Gospel of Mark? The messengers sent to get the bride were called "apostles"...?! How long was betrothal and what did they do in the meantime? How does this rare word picture the impassioned bridegroom? What did a homemaker 2000 years ago do to keep busy? Why did Izzy bring his kerosene lamp and "siwash" to show and tell?

#63 ✡ Ketubot 4:3-5:5

  • Could God's laws be arrived at rationally or only by revelation?
  • Why does the Torah take sex outside of marriage so seriously?
  • Why did Paul say children are holy because of a believing parent?
  • What's with them playing flutes because Jairus' daughter died?
  • How did those personal little details get into the Gospel of Mark?
  • The messengers sent to get the bride were called "apostles"...?!
  • How long was betrothal and what did they do in the meantime?
  • How does this rare word picture the impassioned bridegroom?
  • What did a homemaker 2000 years ago do to keep busy?
  • Why did Izzy bring his kerosene lamp and "siwash" to show and tell?
Did Yeshua tell his guys to leave their families to follow him? Where did Paul get his "different body parts" metaphor from? Women's head coverings, was that Jewish culture or Torah law? How does the Mishnah underscore our need for the Gospel? How many one-letter prefixes can be used? Ever seen three? Why do the stories of brides with disabilities make us emotional? Why did Simon the tanner live by the sea and not in town? Which Hebrew NT is best? Let's look at a verse in five of them. How could it be a compliment to call someone "homely"? Women's rights. Was Jewish law leading or failing?

#64 ✡ Ketubot 5:6-13:10

  • Did Yeshua tell his guys to leave their families to follow him?
  • Where did Paul get his "different body parts" metaphor from?
  • Women's head coverings, was that Jewish culture or Torah law?
  • How does the Mishnah underscore our need for the Gospel?
  • How many one-letter prefixes can be used? Ever seen three?
  • Why do the stories of brides with disabilities make us emotional?
  • Why did Simon the tanner live by the sea and not in town?
  • Which Hebrew NT is best? Let's look at a verse in five of them.
  • How could it be a compliment to call someone "homely"?
  • Women's rights. Was Jewish law leading or failing?
Why does Torah say to make vows and Yeshua says don't? How many of these dumb vows make you laugh or facepalm? Why does James say condemnation and Paul says no? If phylacteries weren't literal why didn't Jesus mention that? Why do Jews say they "lay" tefillin instead of "putting them on"? The "four headed" letter that goes on the "forehead" OOOHHH What if there weren't vowels and we confused tefillin and teflon? Did you hear the one about the two upside down Nuns? Why did the sages say there were seven books of Torah? Why did the Judeans think Galileans were ignorant? Betcha can't guess Epictetus's name for the early Christians.

#65 ✡ Nedarim 1:1-2:4

  • Why does Torah say to make vows and Yeshua says don't?
  • How many of these dumb vows make you laugh or facepalm?
  • Why does James say condemnation and Paul says no?
  • If phylacteries weren't literal why didn't Jesus mention that?
  • Why do Jews say they "lay" tefillin instead of "putting them on"?
  • The "four headed" letter that goes on the "forehead" OOOHHH
  • What if there weren't vowels and we confused tefillin and teflon?
  • Did you hear the one about the two upside down Nuns?
  • Why did the sages say there were seven books of Torah?
  • Why did the Judeans think Galileans were ignorant?
  • Betcha can't guess Epictetus's name for the early Christians.
Why did the last pagan Caesar start building the Third Temple? How anti-Torah was early Christianity by the mid-300s? How many of these rash vows make you roll your eyes? Does Mishnah confirm the Gospel of Mark on "corban"? How does price negotiation beautifully picture the Gospel? Were tax-collectors dangerous or just annoying? Did you see the first multi-season show about Yeshua yet? Why does the sun in the far north look like a giant eyeball? If God knows everyone why will he say "I never knew you"?

#66 ✡ Nedarim 2:4-3:7

  • Why did the last pagan Caesar start building the Third Temple?
  • How anti-Torah was early Christianity by the mid-300s?
  • How many of these rash vows make you roll your eyes?
  • Does Mishnah confirm the Gospel of Mark on "corban"?
  • How does price negotiation beautifully picture the Gospel?
  • Were tax-collectors dangerous or just annoying?
  • Did you see the first multi-season show about Yeshua yet?
  • Why does the sun in the far north look like a giant eyeball?
  • If God knows everyone why will he say "I never knew you"?
Why were Jews infamous for garlic breath? Did Paul speak highly of physical circumcision? What are Midrash, Halacha, Hagada, and Mikra? How does this pejorative for Jesus also mean "guilt-bearer"? Have you seen Chagall's crucifixion of the Jewish Christ? Is vicarious suffering and atonement a Jewish belief? Did you hear Junior Asparagus singing about kosher and tzitzit? How did Luke and Paul feel about the Day of Atonement? How old are the 5 traditional Yom Kippur taboos? Does Mishnah ever agree with our Master's critiques? Have you heard of the BALL CHOOVA movement in Judaism? Did you know Paul's advice to Timothy was Mishnaic? Were Paul's "one/first > all" equations from the Mishnah?

#67 ✡ Nedarim 3:10-9:7

  • Why were Jews infamous for garlic breath?
  • Did Paul speak highly of physical circumcision?
  • What are Midrash, Halacha, Hagada, and Mikra?
  • How does this pejorative for Jesus also mean "guilt-bearer"?
  • Have you seen Chagall's crucifixion of the Jewish Christ?
  • Is vicarious suffering and atonement a Jewish belief?
  • Did you hear Junior Asparagus singing about kosher and tzitzit?
  • How did Luke and Paul feel about the Day of Atonement?
  • How old are the 5 traditional Yom Kippur taboos?
  • Does Mishnah ever agree with our Master's critiques?
  • Have you heard of the BALL CHOOVA movement in Judaism?
  • Did you know Paul's advice to Timothy was Mishnaic?
  • Were Paul's "one/first > all" equations from the Mishnah?
What's the difference between Nazarite and Nazarene? Was "I won't drink this fruit of the vine until…" a Nazarite vow? Why did Jacob call Joseph a "nazirite"? How much of this 9-chapter convo has crossed your mind? Why did the Sages start discouraging Nazarite vows? Try not to laugh at these gooftastic "vow-not-vows"!

#68 ✡ Nazir 1:1-2:4

  • What's the difference between Nazarite and Nazarene?
  • Was "I won't drink this fruit of the vine until…" a Nazarite vow?
  • Why did Jacob call Joseph a "nazirite"?
  • How much of this 9-chapter convo has crossed your mind?
  • Why did the Sages start discouraging Nazarite vows?
  • Try not to laugh at these gooftastic "vow-not-vows"!
Were you actually allowed to pay for other Nazirites? Could you do a Nazirite vow outside the land of Israel? Why did the apostle Paul have his head shaved in Cenchrea? Why could you be lashed for eating grapes or raisins? Ever notice the connection between concept and conception? Why did Izzy take a yearlong Nazirite vow when he was 25?

#69 ✡ Nazir 2:5-9:4

  • Were you actually allowed to pay for other Nazirites?
  • Could you do a Nazirite vow outside the land of Israel?
  • Why did the apostle Paul have his head shaved in Cenchrea?
  • Why could you be lashed for eating grapes or raisins?
  • Ever notice the connection between concept and conception?
  • Why did Izzy take a yearlong Nazirite vow when he was 25?
Why did Paul take a vow in Corinth specifically? Was Paul's vow Nazirite or something else? Did Paul have integrity or was he deceptive? Why do some commentators think it was Aquila? Why are many Christian commentaries so anti-Jewish?

#70 ✡ Nazir: Paul's Vow

  • Why did Paul take a vow in Corinth specifically?
  • Was Paul's vow Nazirite or something else?
  • Did Paul have integrity or was he deceptive?
  • Why do some commentators think it was Aquila?
  • Why are many Christian commentaries so anti-Jewish?
Is it ok for believers to be zealous for the Law? Do Jews/Gentiles have the same relationship to Torah? Did Paul teach Jewish believers to be Torah-observant? Which ceremony of purification did Paul do? Did Paul actually offer animal sacrifices in the Temple?

#71 ✡ Nazir: Torah-Observant Paul 1

  • Is it ok for believers to be zealous for the Law?
  • Do Jews/Gentiles have the same relationship to Torah?
  • Did Paul teach Jewish believers to be Torah-observant?
  • Which ceremony of purification did Paul do?
  • Did Paul actually offer animal sacrifices in the Temple?
How has Christianity done representing Yeshua to his people? Were James and Paul mistaken, as commentators allege? Will we be offering sacrifices in the Millenium? Commentators using Paul's letters to criticize Paul...really? Have you repented of historic Christian antisemitism?

#72 ✡ Nazir: Torah-Observant Paul 2

  • How has Christianity done representing Yeshua to his people?
  • Were James and Paul mistaken, as commentators allege?
  • Will we be offering sacrifices in the Millenium?
  • Commentators using Paul's letters to criticize Paul...really?
  • Have you repented of historic Christian antisemitism?
Where is 'measure for measure' in Mishnah and Gospel? If kohen is priest, what's priestess? Did the Master use Hebrew/Aramaic wordplay? Which Siddur prayers are from Yeshua's time? What's the difference between Mashiach and Mashuach? What does it mean that Torah was written in 70 languages? Was the Sacred Name said during the Aaronic Benediction? Which elements of the Synagogue service are 2000 years old?

#73 ✡ Sotah 1:7-7:7

  • Where is 'measure for measure' in Mishnah and Gospel?
  • If kohen is priest, what's priestess?
  • Did the Master use Hebrew/Aramaic wordplay?
  • Which Siddur prayers are from Yeshua's time?
  • What's the difference between Mashiach and Mashuach?
  • What does it mean that Torah was written in 70 languages?
  • Was the Sacred Name said during the Aaronic Benediction?
  • Which elements of the Synagogue service are 2000 years old?
Eight Eerie Similarities between Herod the Great and Yeshua of Nazareth: Appointed by his father, he comes into his own in Galilee at the age of 30. At the age of 33 he is defeated by his enemies and disappears. After a long journey he returns as King of the Jews with an army, retakes the country from a psychotic villain, and rebuilds the Temple. Jesus? Nope. This is the story of Herod the Great. And we haven't even gotten to the uncanny parallels between his grandson Agrippa (who shows up in this Mishnaic Tractate) and Yeshua! Who will it be, the counterfeit or the true King?

#74 ✡ Sotah 7:8 (Herod 1)

Eight Eerie Similarities between Herod the Great and Yeshua of Nazareth: Appointed by his father, he comes into his own in Galilee at the age of 30. At the age of 33 he is defeated by his enemies and disappears. After a long journey he returns as King of the Jews with an army, retakes the country from a psychotic villain, and rebuilds the Temple. Jesus? Nope. This is the story of Herod the Great. And we haven't even gotten to the uncanny parallels between his grandson Agrippa (who shows up in this Mishnaic Tractate) and Yeshua! Who will it be, the counterfeit or the true King?
How Herod the Great prepared the way for Yeshua of Nazareth: If you like pictures you'll love this study. From the Temple with its wonderful stones and buildings, to the desert castle of Machaerus where Yochanan the Immerser spent his last days, to the Praetorium where the Master stood trial, to the Southern Steps where Shaul of Tarsus testified to a rioting crowd, to Caesaria with the biggest man-made harbour in the world where Cornelius was stationed and the Holy Spirit was first poured out on non-Jews, seeing twelve of the biggest building projects of Herod the grandfather of Agrippa will make the story of Yeshua and his movement come alive for you like never before.

#75 ✡ Sotah 7:8 (Herod 2)

How Herod the Great prepared the way for Yeshua of Nazareth: If you like pictures you'll love this study. From the Temple with its wonderful stones and buildings, to the desert castle of Machaerus where Yochanan the Immerser spent his last days, to the Praetorium where the Master stood trial, to the Southern Steps where Shaul of Tarsus testified to a rioting crowd, to Caesaria with the biggest man-made harbour in the world where Cornelius was stationed and the Holy Spirit was first poured out on non-Jews, seeing twelve of the biggest building projects of Herod the grandfather of Agrippa will make the story of Yeshua and his movement come alive for you like never before.

#76Sotah 9:6-15

  • Why the ESV’s minority interpretation of Deuteronomy 21:8?
  • The sages agree that it’s the Holy Spirit who preaches the Gospel!
  • How does the ritual for unsolved murders foretell Messiah’s atonement? 
  • Why is the bride carried around on a chair at Jewish weddings?
  • Why is he called “James the Less”? Less than what?
  • What was the special term Pharisees used for each other? 
  • This reference to “Our Father in Heaven” will encourage you
  • What do Jews expect will happen before Messiah comes? 
  • What can you do to experience more of the Holy Spirit?