Bible Reviews

Which Bible Is Best For You?


I got asked which Bibles I recommended so many times I finally started this series. In this introductory video I talk about how translations are both good and bad, reveal the biggest secret of Bible study in any language, share why this is such an emotional topic for me, and introduce the '20 Questions'.

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-Izzy Avraham, Founding Teacher

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป=Best ย  ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป=Good ย  ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป=Ok ย  ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป=Bad


This first set of Bibles were translated and published by Jewish people. As such they feature the Tanach alone, with the surprising exception of the Jewish Annotated New Testament. Most offer a version that includes the original Hebrew text. Some are from a more Orthodox perspective and some less but in all cases these are earnest translations of the Book, by the People of the Book themselves.

Richly and authentically Jewish. Literal and at the same flowing and poetic. Beautiful to both eye and ear. Artscroll's Stone Edition Tanach takes first place in our recommendations for literal English translations! Available in English, Hebrew, or both.

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Artscroll Tanach: Literal, Flowing, Poetic

Richly and authentically Jewish. Literal and at the same flowing and poetic. Beautiful to both eye and ear. Artscroll's Stone Edition Tanach takes first place in our recommendations for literal English translations. Available in English, Hebrew, or both.

Artistically beautiful with colourful covers. Traditionally Jewish and historically Israeli. Sturdy and well-made. The Koren Tanakh takes first place in our recommendations for Hebrew Bibles! Let's begin with the story of the first Jewish Bible printed in almost half a Millenium.

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Koren Hebrew Tanakh: Traditional, Colorful, Israeli

Artistically beautiful with colourful covers. Traditionally Jewish and historically Israeli. Sturdy and well-made. The Koren Tanakh takes first place in our recommendations for Hebrew Bibles! Let's begin with the story of the first Jewish Bible printed in almost half a Millennium.

First to use the original pronunciation of Hebrew names. Technical transliterations (แธค/ฤฅ for the Hebrew letter ื—) and precise grammar ("thee/thou" singular and "you" plural.) Highly literal. Koren's Jerusalem Bible reads like a Jewish King James Bible and is your best choice if you prefer the majesty and resonance of the Authorized Version.

๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป Koren Jerusalem Bible: Technical Old English, Hebrew Names

First to use the original pronunciation of Hebrew names. Technical transliterations (แธค/ฤฅ for the Hebrew letter ื—) and precise grammar ("thee/thou" singular and "you" plural.) Highly literal. Koren's Jerusalem Bible reads like a Jewish King James Bible and is your best choice if you prefer the majesty and resonance of the Authorized Version. Available in Hebrew/English and English-only.

Modern and true to the ancient text. Smooth but dynamic. Elegent yet down-to-earth. Full of deeply soulful English phrased just so, Koren's new Magerman translation is a true literary masterpiece, a gemstone sparkling against the backdrop of gorgeous typography, scribal formatting, and fine production that has made Koren famous. Available in Hebrew/English and English-only. Review forthcoming.

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Koren Modern English: Elegant, Dynamic, Soulful

Modern and true to the ancient text. Smooth but dynamic. Elegent yet down-to-earth. Full of deeply soulful English phrased just so, Koren's new Magerman translation is a true literary masterpiece, a gemstone sparkling against the backdrop of gorgeous typography, scribal formatting, and fine production that has made Koren famous. Available in Hebrew/English and English-only. Review forthcoming.

Delving deeper into the Koren Tanakh, let's start with how the Messianic prophecies are interpreted and then move on to how both the Hebrew and English texts are laid out according to ancient Scribal law. By the time we're done talking about the "jots and tittles" of the Torah you'll know more about the original text of the Bible Jesus read than every Pastor within a 100 mile radius!

The Koren Text: Messianic Prophecy & Scribal Tradition

Delving deeper into the Koren Tanakh, let's start with how the Messianic prophecies are interpreted and then move on to how both the Hebrew and English texts are laid out according to ancient Scribal law. By the time we're done talking about the "jots and tittles" of the Torah you'll know more about the original text of the Bible Jesus read than every Pastor within a 100 mile radius!

The Living Torah takes first place in our recommendations for Jewish Bibles in modern English! Easy to read, rooted in tradition, and packed with informative notes and visuals, the Living Torah and Nach is perfect for anyone who wants a broader understanding of the original text - from the young or non-religious who may be reading through the Bible for the first time, to advanced scholars looking for the full spectrum of interpretations on a particular verse.

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Living Torah: Simple English, Detailed Notes, Traditional

The Living Torah takes first place for Jewish Bibles in modern English. Easy to read, rooted in tradition, and packed with informative notes and visuals, the Living Torah and Nach is perfect for anyone who wants a broader understanding of the original text - from the young or non-religious who may be reading through the Bible for the first time, to advanced scholars looking for the full spectrum of interpretations on a particular verse.

Street kid. Yeshiva brain. Physicist phenom. Father to nine. Orthodox Rabbi in unorthodox congregations. Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan walked the fine line between religious genius and relatable guy. He was both traditional and 'with it', a living link between the old Yeshiva world and the 1970s. The way Rabbi Kaplan talked and wrote didn't just make God real to a new generation of Jews - it made the Torah come alive. This is the story of the man behind the Living Torah translation, with special attention given to his original take on Yeshua of Nazareth.

Living Torah 2: The Story of Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

Street kid. Yeshiva brain. Physicist phenom. Father to nine. Orthodox Rabbi in unorthodox congregations. Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan walked the fine line between religious genius and relatable guy. He was both traditional and 'with it', a living link between the old Yeshiva world and the 1970s. The way Rabbi Kaplan talked and wrote didn't just make God real to a new generation of Jews - it made the Torah come alive. This is the story of the man behind the Living Torah translation, with special attention given to his original take on Yeshua of Nazareth.

Has anyone ever told you that Isaiah 53 isn't about the Messiah? Or that one man's death can't atone for another person's sins? The notes to the Living Nach reveal that these are Jewish beliefs after all. And how about the Shiloh prophecy, what are the seven meanings of this multidimensional Hebrew term which are all lost in translation? And what about the ten chapters of prophecy in Ezekiel that haven't happened yet? Who are the Fishermen, Gog and Magog, and the Third-Temple Prince? Where are the religions of Christianity and Islam, and nations like India and Japan? The notes to the Living Nach reveal these prophecies through Jewish eyes, and more.

Jewish Secrets in the MESSIANIC Prophecies (3/5)

Has anyone ever told you that Isaiah 53 isn't about the Messiah? Or that one man's death can't atone for another person's sins? The notes to the Living Nach reveal that these are Jewish beliefs after all. And how about the Shiloh prophecy, what are the seven meanings of this multidimensional Hebrew term which are all lost in translation? And what about the ten chapters of prophecy in Ezekiel that haven't happened yet? Who are the Fishermen, Gog and Magog, and the Third-Temple Prince? Where are the religions of Christianity and Islam, and nations like India and Japan? The notes to the Living Nach reveal these prophecies through Jewish eyes, and more.

Messiah has been busy taking care of lepers for the last 2000 years and you can find him. The Ten Tribes assimilated but they emerge to accept the dying Messiah and Judah is subservient to them until Zionism. The final Redemption doesn't happen until the end of Y6K but it will still take everyone by surprise because the exact time hasn't been revealed. Leading up to it will be a time of labour pains in which only a third of humanity and Jewry will survive. The spirit of prophecy will be poured out on all mankind and the Jewish people will realize that the son of Joseph was pierced for their sins and repent. Then the Son of David will come and judge the Arabs and Roman Christians who tried to replace them. The nations will embrace Judaism, start speaking Hebrew and using the Tetragrammaton, and will celebrate Sukkot when all this went down. Are you surprised that these are Jewish beliefs about the End of Days? Let's look at the notes to the prophecies in the Living Nach and see what else we can find, because there's more!

Jewish Secrets in the END-OF-DAYS Prophecies (4/5)

Messiah has been busy taking care of lepers for the last 2000 years and you can find him. The Ten Tribes assimilated but they emerge to accept the dying Messiah and Judah is subservient to them until Zionism. The final Redemption doesn't happen until the end of Y6K but it will still take everyone by surprise because the exact time hasn't been revealed. Leading up to it will be a time of labour pains in which only a third of humanity and Jewry will survive. The spirit of prophecy will be poured out on all mankind and the Jewish people will realize that the son of Joseph was pierced for their sins and repent. Then the Son of David will come and judge the Arabs and Roman Christians who tried to replace them. The nations will embrace Judaism, start speaking Hebrew and using the Tetragrammaton, and will celebrate Sukkot when all this went down. Are you surprised that these are Jewish beliefs about the End of Days? Let's look at the notes to the prophecies in the Living Nach and see what else we can find, because there's more!

How are the Daniel prophecies about past history and the future understood in Judaism? When are the 'time, times, and half a time', 'evening of the morning',  '2300 days', 'Seventy weeks', and '1290/1335 days'? How about the fourth kingdom - was that just Rome and, by extension, Romish Christianity? Or Islam? Or a division of these two world empires pitted against each other? Were the ten horns Roman Emperors from Julius to Vespasian, or future kingdoms? And who was the Little Horn - Antiochus Epiphanes, Constantine with his papacy, cathedrals, and celibate priests, or Muhammad? What if the three supplanted horns were the Moslems, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestants? What will the messianic Kingdom look like? Will everyone be resurrected, or just the righteous? And most importantly, who was the 'anointed one' who was cut off during the Second Temple era? Was it really the assassinated Herod Agrippa, or was there another King of the Jews? All these questions and more are discussed in the Living Nach's notes to the book of Daniel!

Jewish Secrets in the DANIEL Prophecies (5/5)

How are the Daniel prophecies about past history and the future understood in Judaism? When are the 'time, times, and half a time', 'evening of the morning',ย  '2300 days', 'Seventy weeks', and '1290/1335 days'? How about the fourth kingdom - was that just Rome and, by extension, Romish Christianity? Or Islam? Or a division of these two world empires pitted against each other? Were the ten horns Roman Emperors from Julius to Vespasian, or future kingdoms? And who was the Little Horn - Antiochus Epiphanes, Constantine with his papacy, cathedrals, and celibate priests, or Muhammad? What if the three supplanted horns were the Moslems, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestants? What will the messianic Kingdom look like? Will everyone be resurrected, or just the righteous? And most importantly, who was the 'anointed one' who was cut off during the Second Temple era? Was it really the assassinated Herod Agrippa, or was there another King of the Jews? All these questions and more are discussed in the Living Nach's notes to the book of Daniel!

The Gutnick Chumash (pronounced KHOO-mosh) takes first place for Pentateuchs with the special readings from the Prophets published for synagogue use. It has the most aesthetically pleasing look and layout we've seen and the actual text is even more breath-taking for its mystical complexity and simple clarity. The commentary draws on ancient sources such as the Midrash and Talmud but its real strength is how it combines Judaism's foremost commentator Rashi with deep Chassidic insights from such greats as the Tanya and the Rebbe himself. See this sample for a taste of how this guide can take you into deeper and fuller dimensions of the Five Books of Moses than you ever imagined. This translation is also available with contemporary formatting and commentary as the "Five Books".

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Gutnick Chumash: Chasidic, Deep, Gorgeous

The Gutnick Chumash (pronounced KHOO-mosh) takes first place for Chumashim (Pentateuchs with the special readings from the Prophets published for synagogue use.) It has the most aesthetically pleasing look and layout we've seen and the actual text is even more breath-taking for its mystical complexity and simple clarity. The commentary draws on ancient sources such as the Midrash and Talmud but its real strength lies in how it combines Judaism's foremost commentator Rashi with deep Chassidic insights from such greats as the Tanya and the Rebbe himself. See this sample for a taste of how this guide can take you into deeper and fuller dimensions of the Five Books of Moses than you ever imagined. This translation is also available with contemporary formatting and commentary as the "Five Books".

How is the Israel Bible the first to highlight the dynamic relationship between the land and people of Israel? By transliterating Israel-relevant verses on almost every page and connecting them to short biographies of Zionist leaders and insights from Judaism's classical commentators. By illustrating everything with maps and pictures of ancient and modern geography. By writing famous names with their original Hebrew pronunications along with Hashem for the name of God. By putting standard synagogue prayers for the State of Israel and the National Anthem in the back. The Israel Bible is produced by Koren in their crisp hallmark style with a two-column page featuring the Hebrew text side-by-side with the modern JPS translation and takes first place in our recommendations for visual Bibles. Review forthcoming!

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป The Israel Bible: Informative, Zionist, Israel-Centered

How is the Israel Bible the first to highlight the dynamic relationship between the land and people of Israel? By transliterating Israel-relevant verses on almost every page and connecting them to short biographies of Zionist leaders and insights from Judaism's classical commentators. By illustrating everything with maps and pictures of ancient and modern geography. By writing famous names with their original Hebrew pronunications along with Hashem for the name of God. By putting standard synagogue prayers for the State of Israel and the National Anthem in the back. The Israel Bible is produced by Koren in their crisp hallmark style with a two-column page featuring the Hebrew text side-by-side with the modern JPS translation and takes first place in our recommendations for visual Bibles. Review forthcoming!

The first Jewish Bible in modern English. A twenty-year collaborative effort between Conservative, Reform, and Orthodox scholars. A brand-new translation with a fresh vocabulary and style. The Jewish Publication Society's 1985 Tanakh replaced the earlier 1917 version and continues to be widely used across the Jewish world today. Available in English and Hebrew/English. Also available as the Etz Hayim Chumash packaged for synagogue use with textual notes, relatable commentary, and halachic action points. There's also the Jewish Study Bible edition which we don't recommend and the Israel Bible edition featured above which we highly recommend! Review forthcoming.

๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป JPS Tanakh: Original, Popular, Human

The first Jewish Bible in modern English. A twenty-year collaborative effort between Conservative, Reform, and Orthodox scholars. A brand-new translation with a fresh vocabulary and style. The Jewish Publication Society's 1985 Tanakh replaced the earlier 1917 version and continues to be widely used across the Jewish world today. Available in English and Hebrew/English. Also available as the Etz Hayim Chumash packaged for synagogue use with textual notes, relatable commentary, and halachic action points. There's also the Jewish Study Bible edition which we don't recommend and the Israel Bible edition featured above which we highly recommend! Review forthcoming.

Written by Jews during the Second Temple, rejected from the Jewish Bible, these books were Christian property until now. While the text of the Jewish Annotated Apocrypha is the NRSV, the hundreds of pages of historically sound commentary is written by Jewish scholars. Essays grapple with Jewish theology, identity, and sectarianism in the Apocrypha along with more standard subjects such as the Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, Peshitta, Canon, Apocryphal Truth & Lies, and the Apocrypha in Rabbinic/Medieval Hebrew literature. Similarly, sidebar comments tackle controversial Apocryphal topics such as the 364-Day Jubilees Calendar, Magic, Bashert, Porneia, Conversion, Heroines, Spartans, Medicine, Greek Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Virtues...and Josephus. The books are categorized similar to the Tanach. LAW: Jubilees. HISTORY: Esdras, Esther, Tobit, Judith, 1/2/3 Maccabees. PROPHECY: Letter of Jeremiah, Baruch, Daniel, Azariah, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, Ezra. WISDOM: Psalm 151, Prayer of Manasseh, Wisdom of Solomon, Ben Sira, 4 Maccabees. Notably, Jubilees was added and 2 Esdras was omitted due its Christian tone. Maps, Charts, Diagrams, and a Chronological timeline finish off this solid treatment of Judaism's 'Outside Books'.

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Jewish Annotated Apocrypha: Academic, Historic, Intriguing

Written by Jews during the Second Temple, rejected from the Jewish Bible, these books were Christian property until now. While the text of the Jewish Annotated Apocrypha is the NRSV, the hundreds of pages of historically sound commentary is written by Jewish scholars. Essays grapple with Jewish theology, identity, and sectarianism in the Apocrypha along with more standard subjects such as the Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, Peshitta, Canon, Apocryphal Truth & Lies, and the Apocrypha in Rabbinic/Medieval Hebrew literature. Similarly, sidebar comments tackle controversial Apocryphal topics such as the 364-Day Jubilees Calendar, Magic, Bashert, Porneia, Conversion, Heroines, Spartans, Medicine, Greek Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Virtues. The books are categorized similar to the Tanach according to Law, History, Prophecy, and Wisdom. Notably, Jubilees was added and 2 Esdras was omitted due its Christian tone. Maps, Charts, Diagrams, and a Chronological timeline finish off this solid treatment of Judaism's 'Outside Books'. Review forthcoming.

Similar to the Jewish Annotated Apocrypha, the Jewish Annotated New Testament is the product of a group of Jewish scholars bold and secure enough to own a set of rejected Jewish writings and engage with them in a respectful and even positive way. Similar also to the JAA, the JANT uses the NRSV for its base text and then surrounds it with original notes, essays, maps, charts, and diagrams. We heartily recommend this work not just for its well-sourced commentary illuminating the Jewish character of the New Testament, but also as a groundbreaking step in Jewish-Christian dialogue.

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Jewish Annotated New Testament: Groundbreaking, Informed, Respectful

Similar to the Jewish Annotated Apocrypha, the Jewish Annotated New Testament is the product of a group of Jewish scholars bold and secure enough to own a set of rejected Jewish writings and engage with them in a respectful and even positive way. Similar also to the JAA, the JANT uses the NRSV for its base text and then surrounds it with original notes, essays, maps, charts, and diagrams. We heartily recommend this work not just for its well-sourced commentary illuminating the Jewish character of the New Testament, but also as a groundbreaking step in Jewish-Christian dialogue. Review forthcoming.


These Bibles were produced by Messianic Jews (and sometimes Messianic Gentiles) and are primarily used in the Messianic Jewish world. Most contain both the Old and New Testaments. They don't feature the original Hebrew text, with the exception of the Delitzsch Gospels which is based on a Hebrew translation. Two commonalities is that they use the Hebrew versions of at least some names (e.g. "Yeshua") and interpret texts about the Torah and Jewish people as positively as possible.

The MJLT is the most literal Messianic Jewish Bible - even more literal than the Young's Literal Translation it's based on. How? A strict word-for-word format is applied, italicizing words which were added of necessity. Idioms, syntax, and tense are all carried over directly. Outdated English words are modernized for an even more accurate understanding - over two thousand of them! Vowel-pointed Hebrew is inserted into the text alongside the transliterated names of many people and places. The actual text reflects the best critical Greek manuscripts with footnotes listing alternative readings. And even the books themselves are reorganized according to chronology and audience. In all these ways the Messianic Jewish Literal Translation of the New Covenant Scriptures (or MJLT NCS for shorter) is as rigorously original as its name. Review forthcoming!

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Messianic Jewish Literal Translation: Intensely Literal, Intensely Hebrew

The MJLT is the most literal Messianic Jewish Bible - even more literal than the Young's Literal Translation it's based on. How? A strict word-for-word format is applied, italicizing words which were added of necessity. Idioms, syntax, and tense are all carried over directly. Outdated English words are modernized for an even more accurate understanding - over two thousand of them! Vowel-pointed Hebrew is inserted into the text alongside the transliterated names of many people and places. The actual text reflects the best critical Greek manuscripts with footnotes listing alternative readings. And even the books themselves are reorganized according to chronology and audience. In all these ways the "Messianic Jewish Literal Translation of the New Covenant Scriptures" ("MJLT NCS" for shorter) is as rigorously original as its name. Review forthcoming!

Often compared with the Complete Jewish Bible, the TLV is less-paraphrased and more thought-for-thought while still being easy to read, only uses Hebrew pronunciations for the most important names and words while using the traditional English forms for the rest, and is the product of a team of well-known Messianic Jewish scholars and leaders. The two editions - Holy Scriptures and Messianic Jewish Family Bible - are available in a variety of sizes, colours, and formats. English only. Review forthcoming.

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Tree of Life: Clean, Contemporary, Multiple Formats

Often compared with the Complete Jewish Bible, the TLV is less-paraphrased and more thought-for-thought while still being easy to read, only uses Hebrew pronunciations for the most important names and words while using the traditional English forms for the rest, and is the product of a team of well-known Messianic Jewish scholars and leaders. The two editions - Holy Scriptures and Messianic Jewish Family Bible - are available in a variety of sizes, colours, and formats. English only. Review forthcoming.

Easy to read. Original pronunciations of all Hebrew names. A real crash course in Hebrew and Judaism, especially the Study Bible. 100% Messianic and 100% Jewish. Two thumbs up!

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Complete Jewish Bible: Readable, Educational, Hebrew Names

Easy-to-read paraphrase. Original pronunciations of all Hebrew names. A real crash course in Hebrew and Judaism, especially the Study Bible. A pioneering work in its time, the Complete Jewish Bible is 100% Messianic and 100% Jewish.

How are key words in the CJB translated? How are the 'difficult words of Paul' interpreted? And most importantly, and how do you actually PRONOUNCE all those Hebrew words and names anyway?!

CJB 2: Hebrew Names Pronunciation, Keyword Translation, Pauline Interpretation

How are keywords in the Complete Jewish Bible translated? How are the 'difficult words of Paul' interpreted? And most importantly, how do you actually PRONOUNCE all those Hebrew words and names anyway?!ย 

Delitzsch's gold-standard Hebrew New Testament on the right-hand page with a word-for-word translation into English on the left. Rich with Hebrew words and names explained in notes and appendices. Opens from right to left with the beautiful look and feel of a genuine holy book or sefer. Return to your first love with this authentically Jewish presentation of the story of Yeshua Ben-Yosef.

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Delitzsch Hebrew Gospels: Rich, Authentic, Personal

Delitzsch's gold-standard Hebrew New Testament on the right-hand page with a word-for-word translation into English on the left. Rich with Hebrew words and names explained in notes and appendices. Opens from right to left with the beautiful look and feel of a genuine holy book or sefer. Return to your first love with this authentically Jewish presentation of the story of Yeshua Ben-Yosef.

Franz Delitzsch, First Fruits of Zion, Vine of David, FFOZ, VOD, DHE, Bible, Translation, Review, Hebrew, New Testament, Gospels, Christianity, Church, Jesus, Christ, Jewish, Judaism, Messianic, Yeshua

Delitzsch Hebrew Gospels 2: Textual Analysis

In the first half of this review we told the story of the Delitzsch Hebrew-English Gospels, saw just how authentically Jewish its presentation is, and started discussing the actual translation. Picking up where we left off, let's look at how Hebrew names and keywords are handled and how the difficult words of Jesus are interpreted. We'll finish by talking about the practical side of the DHE and get a sneak peak at the extras which we'll spend the next five videos unpacking in depth.

Franz Delitzsch, First Fruits of Zion, Vine of David, FFOZ, VOD, DHE, Bible, Translation, Review, Hebrew, New Testament, Gospels, Idioms, Keywords, Words, Terminology, Language, Vocabulary, Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Apostles, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Delitzsch 3: Hebrew Idioms in the Gospels

Idioms are so nifty. These quirky little expressions that don't make sense but mean vivid things. The Gospels have lots of idioms which don't make sense in Greek or English, guess why? Because they're Hebrew! The soul of a language is in its idioms and learning them is like stepping into the world of the people who use them. This is certainly true of the story of Yeshua and is one of the things I love about the DHE - there's a glossary in the back that takes 20 whole pages to list all these Jewish New Testament idioms and show you their roots in the Hebrew Bible and Rabbinic literature! Let's go over these Hebrew expressions and I'll teach you how to actually pronounce them all.

List of Hebrew words in the Gospels: Abba father. Almah/alamot virgin. Amen it's true. Ammah/ammot cubit. Arrami/Arramim Aramean. Avaddon destruction. Bar son. Bat/banot daughter. Ben/banim son. Bracha/brachot blessing. Chanukkah Dedication. Chayah wild animal. Chazzan overseer. Christos Anointed. Darkemon/darkemonim coin. Dinar/dinarim Denarius. Eli Eli lemah shevaktani, my God my God why have you forsaken me. Elohim God. Erev Pesach, Passover evening. Erev Shabbat, Sabbath evening. Geihinnom, valley of Hinnom. Glili/Glilim Galilean. Hallel praise. Hashem, the name of God. Hoshana please save. Ippatach be opened. Issar coin. Istira Stater coin. Kena'ani Canaanite. Kikkar/kikkarim talent. Kodesh holiness. Kor, dry measure. Korban/korbanot gift. Kurini Cyrenian. Levi Leviyim, Levite. Litra/litrin, libra measurement of weight. Ma'ah/ma'ot, small coin. Ma'aser/ma'asrot, tenth or tithe. Mamon wealth. Maneh/manim Mina. Mashiach/meshichim Anointed. Matzah/matzot Unleavened Bread. Menorah/menorot lampstand. Merorot bitter substance. Metzora/metzora'im leper. Mil mile. Mitzvah/mitzvot commandment. Motza'ei Shabbat Saturday night. Notzri/Notzrim Nazarene or Christian. Omer dry measure. Parush/Prushim Pharisee. Pesach Passover. Prutah/prutot copper coin. Rav master or teacher. Reka empty. Ris measure of length. Romi/Romiyim Roman. Ruach/ruchot spirit or wind. Sanhedrin court of law. Satan/stanim accuser. Se'ah se'im dry measure. Shabbat/shabbatot Sabbath. Shaddai Almighty. Shaliach/shlichim messenger or apostle. Shalom peace. She'ol the grave. Shekel weight. Shofar/shofarot horn. Shomroni/shomronim Samaritan. Sukkah/sukkot shelter. Tallit/tallitot sheet or prayershawl. Talyeta kumi, young girl arise! Tefillin phylacteries. Tehillim Psalms. Tehom the deep. Teshuvah repentance. Toledot generations. Tzadduki/tzaddukim Sadducee. Tzara'at leprosy. Tzedakah righteousness. Tzitzit/tzitziyot tassels. Yehudi/Yehudim Jew or Judean. Yevani/Yevanim Greek. Yod, 10th Hebrew letter.

Delitzsch 4: Hebrew Words in the Gospels

If Jesus and his disciples were Jewish is it any surprise the Gospels are full of Jewish words? Many of these are lost in translation which is why the DHE transliterates them instead - so you get the original term with the full meaning. Of course if you don't know any Hebrew this can be a learning curve, but this version makes it easy with notes in the margins and a glossary in the back with pronunciations and historical backgrounds. Let's have some fun going through the Glossary of Transliterated Hebrew Terms in the back and learn how to say all these words right!

Alphabetical List of Names in the Gospels: Aaron, Abel, Abiathar, Abijah, Abilene, Abiud, Abraham, Adam, Addi, Aenon, Ahaz, Alexander, Alphaeus, Amminadab, Amon, Andrew, Anna, Annas, Aram, Archelaus, Arimathea, Arpachshad, Asa, Asher, Azor, Babylon, Barabbas, Bartholomew, Bartimaeus, Beelzebul, Berechiah, Bethabara, Bethany, Bethany, Bethesda, Bethlehem, Bethphage, Bethsaida, Boanerges, Boaz, Caesar Augustus, Caesar, Caesarea Philippi, Caiaphas, Cainan, Cana, Capernaum, Cephas, Chorazin, Chuza, Cleopas, Clopas, Cosam, Dalmanutha, Daniel, David, Didymus, Eber, Edom, Egypt, Elazer, Eliakim, Eliezer, Elijah, Elisha, Eliud, Elizabeth, Elmadam, Emmaus, Enoch, Enosh, Ephraim, Er, Field of Blood, Gabbatha, Gabriel, Gadarenes, Galilee, Garden of Eden, Gennesaret, Gethsemane, Golgotha, Greece, Heli, Herod, Herodias, Hesli, Hezekiah, Hezron, Isaac, Isaiah, Iscariot, Israel, Iturea, Jachin, Jacob, Jairus, James, Jannai, Jared, Jeconiah, Jehoshaphat, Jeremiah, Jericho, Jerusalem, Jesse, Jesus, Joanna, Joda, John, Jonah, Jonam, Joram, Jordan, Jorim, Jose, Joseph, Josiah, Jotham, Judah, Judas, Jude, Judea, Kidron, Lamech, Lazarus, Lebbaeus, Levi, LORD, Lot, Luke, Lysanias, Maath, Magadan, Magdalene, Magdelene, Mahalalel, Malchus, Manasseh, Mark, Martha, Mary, Mattan, Mattatha, Mattathias, Matthat, Matthew, Melchi, Melea, Menna, Methusaleh, Miryam, Moses, Mount of Olives, Naaman, Naggai, Nahor, Nahshon, Nahum, Nain, Naphtali, Nathan, Nathaniel, Nazareth, Neri, Nicodemus, Nineveh, Noah, Obed, Peleg, Perez, Peter, Phanuel, Philip, Phoenicia, Pilate, Pontius Pilate, Quirinius, Rachel, Rahab, Ram, Ramah, Rehoboam, Reu, Rhesa, Rufus, Ruth, Salem, Salmon, Salome, Samaria, Semein, Serug, Seth, Shealtiel, Sheep Gate, Shelah, Shem, Sidon, Siloam, Simon, Sodom, Solomon, Susanna, Sychar, Syria, Tamar, Terah, Thaddeus, the South, Theophilus, Thomas, Tiberias, Tiberius Caesar, Timaeus, Trachonitis, Tyre, Uriah, Uzziah, Zacchaeus, Zadok, Zarephath, Zealot, Zebedee, Zebulun, Zechariah, Zerah, Zerubbabel, Zion.

Delitzsch 5: Jewish Names in the Gospels

There are approximately 230 names in Gospels and guess how many are Jewish? 200! How were all those Hebrew and Aramaic names actually pronounced and what do they mean? Let's go through the Glossary of Names in the back of the DHE and I'll teach you how to say all these proper names the proper way. If you want to see my quirky side you'll definitely see it come out full force in this conversation, along with my immature sense of humour and random personal stories I wasn't planning on telling.

Bible, Scripture, Textual Criticism, Biblical Criticism, Text, Manuscripts, Versions, Translations, New Testament, Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Codex, Codices, Codexes, Textus Receptus, Erasmus, Aleppo, Alexandrinus, Bezae, Ephraimi, Nag Hammadi, Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, Conspiracy, Satanic, Authorized Version, KJV, Franz Delitzsch, First Fruits of Zion, Vine of David, FFOZ, VOD, DHE, Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Apostles, Messianic, Jewish, Judaism

Delitzsch 6: Differing New Testament Manuscripts?

This isn't something we talk about much, but there are different manuscripts of the Gospels and they're not all the same. How big are the differences and where did they come from? Can the New Testament be the Word of God if the codexes don't agree? Let's look at the 30 variants in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and talk about whether we can trust the Gospels.ย 

I need to warn you to be ready because about an hour in I lose focus and put a sticky note on your nose. Now that you've been forewarned, let's have the second half of our conversation about differing NT manuscripts and continue looking at specific verses where you can see those differences. I think you'll agree with me that the differences are small and aren't contradictory, that these manuscripts have been handled with an incredibly high degree of care over the centuries, and that the other Gospels are internally consistent and explain each other. And that Dr. John Gill was wow.

Delitzsch 7: Are These Manuscripts Trustworthy?

I need to warn you to be ready because about an hour in I lose focus and put a sticky note on your nose. Now that you've been forewarned, let's have the second half of our conversation about differing NT manuscripts and continue looking at specific verses where you can see those differences. I think you'll agree with me that the differences are small and aren't contradictory, that these manuscripts have been handled with an incredibly high degree of care over the centuries, and that the other Gospels are internally consistent and explain each other. And that Dr. John Gill was wow.

The OJB is packed with Hebrew. For instance, John 3:16: "Hashem so had ahavah for the Olam Hazeh that Hashem gave the matanah of Hashemโ€™s Ben Yechid so that whosoever has emunah in him may not be neโ€™evad, but find Chayyei Olam." This Hebrew-English mix is common amongst Yeshiva students which is why it's often called "Yeshivish". The pronunication is somewhat Ashkenazi, with Shabbat being Shabbos etc. The translation is mostly literal but exceptions are made to sound more Orthodox. For instance Messiah is "Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach" and, problematically, Yeshua is "Yehoshua" which is unwarranted seeing as how these two forms are pronounced the same by fluent Hebrew speakers and the Preface even acknowledges it's both/and and not either/or. Review forthcoming!

๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป Orthodox Jewish Bible: Hebrew Words, Ashkenazi, Yeshivish

The OJB is packed with Hebrew. For instance, John 3:16: "Hashem so had ahavah for the Olam Hazeh that Hashem gave the matanah of Hashemโ€™s Ben Yechid so that whosoever has emunah in him may not be neโ€™evad, but find Chayyei Olam." This Hebrew-English mix is common amongst Yeshiva students which is why it's often called "Yeshivish". The pronunication is somewhat Ashkenazi, with Shabbat being Shabbos etc. The translation is mostly literal but exceptions are made to sound more Orthodox. For instance Messiah is "Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach" and, problematically, Yeshua is "Yehoshua" which is unwarranted seeing as how these two forms are pronounced the same by fluent Hebrew speakers and the Preface even acknowledges it's both/and and not either/or. Review forthcoming!


These Bibles emphasize the Hebrew Roots of our faith. As such they're similar to all Messianic and some Sacred Name Bibles. They're different from Messianic Bibles in that they're produced or primarily used outside the Messianic Jewish world and different from Sacred Name Bibles by how they use normal Hebrew pronunciations and don't contain toxic teachings. Along with the Messianic Bibles featured above, these are the Bibles we recommend as being safe for Hebrew Roots believers.

Based on the same ASV translation as the New American Standard but with a simpler vocabulary and sentence structure. Some Hebrew names and keywords but not too many. Has the name of God in Hebrew but is respectful towards Judaism. Looks and feels like a real Bible. The NJV takes first place in our recommendations for both Messianic and Hebrew Roots Bibles!

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป New Jerusalem Version: Simplified NASB, Some Hebrew, Real Bible

Based on the same literal ASV translation as the NASB and ESV but with a simpler vocabulary and sentence structure. Some Hebrew names and keywords but not too many. Has the name of God in Hebrew but is respectful towards Judaism. Looks and feels like a real Bible. The NJV takes first place in our recommendations for both Messianic and Hebrew Roots Bibles!

The One New Man Bible 'Reveals Jewish Roots and Power' in several ways - for instance by saying "Torah (Teaching)" instead of "Law" and "Y'shua" for Jesus. Over 4,000 footnotes explain Jewish customs and multifaceted Hebrew words, as does the 170-page Glossary. Recognizing that "Hebrew is a very expressive language", the translation attempts to capture its direct energy as can be felt in the words to Abram ("Get yourself out of here!"), Pharaoh ("Send My people away!") and Israel ("The Lord will bless you...") Also emphasized is "the power given to believers for their daily walk" which may explain this Bible's popularity in Charismatic circles. Notably, Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (the grandson of his namesake) saw the value in this project and contributed. We too commend this Bible's goal to bring Jewish and non-Jewish people together into One New Man by helping the Church understand its roots and recognize that Jesus is as Jewish today as he was then.

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป One New Man Bible: Direct, Fresh, Charismatic

The One New Man Bible 'Reveals Jewish Roots and Power' in several ways - for instance by saying "Torah (Teaching)" instead of "Law" and "Y'shua" for Jesus. Over 4,000 footnotes explain Jewish customs and multifaceted Hebrew words, as does the 170-page Glossary. Recognizing that "Hebrew is a very expressive language", the translation attempts to capture its direct energy as can be felt in the words to Abram ("Get yourself out of here!"), Pharaoh ("Send My people away!") and Israel ("The Lord will bless you...") Also emphasized is "the power given to believers for their daily walk" which may explain this Bible's popularity in Charismatic circles. Notably, Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (the grandson of his namesake) saw the value in this project and contributed. We too commend this Bible's goal to bring Jewish and non-Jewish people together into One New Man by helping the Church understand its roots and recognize that Jesus is as Jewish today as he was then.

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Jerusalem Illustrated Bible: Hebrew Names NASB, Pictures

The highly literal New American Standard text with Hebrew names including YHVH and Yeshua. A second column features the original Masoretic text of the Tanach and a modern Hebrew translation of the New Testament. Illustrated with hundreds of colourful pictures, some of them full page. See the Bible Society in Israel and Amazon customer reviews for sample pages with illustrations from the Jerusalem Illustrated Family Bible. Review forthcoming.

๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป The Torah, A Mechanical Translation: Word-For-Word, Concrete, Ancient

Mechanical means individual words are always translated with the same English words and in the same order as in the original. The intent is to understand the pure underlying text without the translator's interpretations and also to more easily learn the language. Alongside the technical translation is a streamlined reader's version, see sample. Also included: Introductions discussing the translator's background/methodology and the mechanics/history of Hebrew; 1,000+ footnotes on grammar, idioms, and alternate meanings; Concordance to help you find specific words; and a Lexicon listing words according to their verbal roots with concrete/abstract definitions and insights from the original pictographic paleo-Hebrew alphabet. This Bible puts the "Hebrew" in "Hebrew Roots"!

Mechanical: in~SUMMIT (ื‘ึผึฐืจึตืืฉืึดื™ืช / bรช'rey'shit)[1] he~did~SHAPE(V) (ื‘ึผึธืจึธื / ba'ra) Elohiym (ืึฑืœึนื”ึดื™ื / e'lo'him) AT (ืึตืช / eyt) the~SKY~s2 (ื”ึทืฉึผืึธืžึทื™ึดื / ha'sha'ma'yim) and~AT (ื•ึฐืึตืช / wรช'eyt) the~LAND (ื”ึธืึธืจึถืฅ / ha'a'rets) ย  Reader's: In the summit Elohiym shaped the skies and the land,...


The focus of these reviews is Bibles with a Jewish/Hebraic emphasis. For this reason, even though traditional Christian translations have great value, they're not covered in these reviews. The following mainstream Christian Bibles are included for having at least some content highlighting the Hebrew language and historical Jewish context behind the written Word of God

Approximately 500 full-color photographs of places and objects from biblical times. Detailed charts and maps. Book introductions providing basic, at-a-glance information. Bottom-of-page study notes exploring passages that speak on archaeological and cultural facts. 520 articles about archaeological sites, cultural and historical notes, ancient peoples and lands, the reliability of the Bible, and ancient texts and artifacts. The Archaeological Study Bible examines the archaeological record surrounding Godโ€™s Word with the goal of giving you a more intimate knowledge of the historical context of the Bible. Published in NIV (available) or KJV (sold out).

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Archaeological Study Bible: Visual, Colourful, Detailed

Approximately 500 full-color photographs of places and objects from biblical times. Detailed charts and maps. Book introductions providing basic, at-a-glance information. Bottom-of-page study notes exploring passages that speak on archaeological and cultural facts. 520 articles about archaeological sites, cultural and historical notes, ancient peoples and lands, the reliability of the Bible, and ancient texts and artifacts. The Archaeological Study Bible examines the archaeological record surrounding Godโ€™s Word with the goal of giving you a more intimate knowledge of the historical context of the Bible. Published in NIV (available) or KJV (sold out).

Created by a team of field-trained archaeologists. Highly illustrative with 400+ full-color photographs, 200+ maps and diagrams, and 4 timelines. Book introductions cover the author and title, audience, date of writing, background, occasion, purpose, themes, contributions from archaeology, a short outline, and the setting. 14 articles such as "The Dead Sea Scrolls", "Archaeology as an Academic Discipline", โ€œExpository Preaching and Archaeology," and "Daily Life in Judea-Palestine in New Testament Times". The ESV Archaeology Study Bible roots the biblical text in its historical and cultural context, offering readers a framework for better understanding the people, places, and events recorded in Scripture. Thumbs down for calling Israel "Palestine" - not just historically wrong but an antisemitic slap in the face.

๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป ESV Archaeology Study Bible: Illustrated, Down-To-Earth, "Palestine"?

Created by a team of field-trained archaeologists. Highly illustrative with 400+ full-color photographs, 200+ maps and diagrams, and 4 timelines. Book introductions cover the author and title, audience, date of writing, background, occasion, purpose, themes, contributions from archaeology, a short outline, and the setting. 14 articles such as "The Dead Sea Scrolls", "Archaeology as an Academic Discipline", โ€œExpository Preaching and Archaeology," and "Daily Life in Judea-Palestine in New Testament Times". The ESV Archaeology Study Bible roots the biblical text in its historical and cultural context, offering readers a framework for better understanding the people, places, and events recorded in Scripture. Thumbs down for calling Israel "Palestine" - not just historically wrong but an antisemitic slap in the face.

Almost 70 of the Hebrew names of God appear over 10,000 times across these scroll-coloured pages - from rare titles like Ish and Magen to the ubiquitous Yahweh and Yeshua. Features to help you encounter God in a new way through his ancient names include: Warm, conversationally-toned devotional readings explaining the meaning, historical background, and promise of each name; Sidebars profiling Biblical people and the names they knew God by; Introductions highlighting the names in each book; Reading paths telling where specific names will be used next. Thumbs down for not teaching readers to be sensitive to the inviolable Jewish tradition of not pronouncing the Name and for the mispronunciations of vet as b, vav as w, chaf as k, and tav as th. If you get this Bible learn the correct pronunications with Hebrew Quest and follow Yeshua's example of saying Adonai where it says Yahweh. Published in the God's Word paraphase (simple English with short sentences) and KJV (digital only).

๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป Names of God Bible: Friendly, Prayerful, Oblivious

Almost 70 of the Hebrew names of God appear over 10,000 times across these scroll-coloured pages - from rare titles like Ish and Magen to the ubiquitous Yahweh and Yeshua. Features to help you encounter God in a new way through his ancient names include: Warm, conversationally-toned devotional readings explaining the meaning, historical background, and promise of each name; Sidebars profiling Biblical people and the names they knew God by; Introductions highlighting the names in each book; Reading paths telling where specific names will be used next. Thumbs down for not teaching readers to be sensitive to the inviolable Jewish tradition of not pronouncing the Name and for the mispronunciations of vet as b, vav as w, chaf as k, and tav as th. If you get this Bible learn the correct pronunications with Hebrew Quest and follow Yeshua's example of saying Adonai where it says Yahweh. Published in the God's Word paraphase (simple English with short sentences) and KJV (digital only).


Sacred Name Bibles emphatically use the Hebrew names of the Father and the Son, sometimes written in actual Hebrew letters but more often transliterated into various English forms. Sacred Name Bibles make up their own pronunciations of the "True Names" and insist that everyone should say it their way. We DO NOT recommend Sacred Name Bibles and are only including them here so we can debunk them, starting with the following videos exposing ten problems with Sacred Name everything.ย 

10 Problems with Sacred Name Bibles

Sacred Name teachings don't follow Yeshua's teachings and example. (1/10)

PROBLEM 1: Sacred Name teachings don't follow Yeshua's teachings and example

Sacred Name teachings don't follow the Apostles' teaching and example. (2/10)

PROBLEM 2: Sacred Name teachings don't follow the Apostles' teachings and example

Sacred Name teachings misinterpret Scripture. (3/10)

PROBLEM 3: Sacred Name teachings are based on misinterpretations of Scripture.

Sacred Name teachings misunderstand language. (4/10)

Sacred Name teachings falsely accuse Jews and Christians. (5/10)

PROBLEM 5: Sacred Name teachings make false accusations against Jews and Christians.

Sacred Name teachings cause unnecessary fights and divisions. (6/10)

PROBLEM 6: Sacred Name teachings cause unnecessary fights and divisions.

Sacred Name teachings will destroy your witness to the Jewish people. (7/10)

Sacred Name teachings are a new Replacement Theology. (8/10)

Sacred Name Bibles claim to be Messianic when they're not. (9/10)

PROBLEM 9: Sacred Name Bibles claim to be Messianic when they're not.

Sacred Name teachings breed unconscious antisemitism. (10/10)

PROBLEM 10: Sacred Name teachings breed unconscious antisemitism.
At first glance "The Scriptures" is an attractive Bible if you're wanting to get closer to the original. It features a literal pro-Torah translation, highlights our Hebrew roots, and claims to be Messianic. Many people like this version because it meets their need for a personal Bible they can carry around and read from every day - it's the whole Scriptures, looks and feels really nice, and is widely available in a variety of hard copy and digital formats. It's also appealing how the publishers at the Institute for Scripture Research come across as humble and sincere believers. With all these things going for this version you may be surprised to hear that we emphatically do not recommend it. Even if you like The Scriptures, would you allow us to show you some of the serious problems and misinformation behind it?

๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป The Scriptures: Best Sacred Name Bible; Still Awful

At first glance "The Scriptures" is an attractive Bible if you're wanting to get closer to the original. It features a literal pro-Torah translation, highlights our Hebrew roots, and claims to be Messianic. Many people like this version because it meets their need for a personal Bible they can carry around and read from every day - it's the whole Scriptures, looks and feels really nice, and is widely available in a variety of hard copy and digital formats. With all these things going for this version you may be surprised to hear that we emphatically do not recommend it. Even if you like The Scriptures, would you allow us to show you some of the serious problems and misinformation behind it and explain why, even though it may be the best of the Sacred Name Bibles, it's still awful?ย 

"The Scriptures" attempts to brings its readers closer to the original texts and context of the Bible. It also seeks to give its readers the pure Scriptures, without man's interruptions and interpretations. This makes it even more shocking that The Scriptures also deletes 116 verses from one book of the Bible, with no explanation given anywhere. These verses are in both the Massoretic Hebrew and Greek Septuagint texts. If this is the Bible Yeshua read shouldn't his disciples be allowed to read it too? Is it ok for the Institute for Scripture Research to arbitrarily take stuff out of the Word of God or should that be a dealbreaker? Does a translation of the Holy Scriptures with this many verses removed even deserve to be called "The Scriptures"? You need to see this for yourself.

"The Scriptures" deletes 116 verses. (2/7)

"The Scriptures" attempts to brings its readers closer to the original texts and context of the Bible. It also seeks to give its readers the pure Scriptures, without man's interruptions and interpretations. This makes it even more shocking that The Scriptures also deletes 116 verses from one book of the Bible, with no explanation given anywhere. These verses are in both the Massoretic Hebrew and Greek Septuagint texts. If this is the Bible Yeshua read shouldn't his disciples be allowed to read it too? Is it ok for the Institute for Scripture Research to arbitrarily take stuff out of the Word of God or should that be a dealbreaker? Does a translation of the Holy Scriptures with this many verses removed even deserve to be called "The Scriptures"? You need to see this for yourself.

One of the reasons "The Scriptures" has become popular is because it uses Hebrew words and names. The problem is that it transliterates them wrong, leaving its unsuspecting readers sounding lispy, congested, and infantile. Nobody wants to try using the new words they're learning only to be looked at funny or corrected. But even more importantly, if you don't learn Hebrew the way it's actually used by the Jewish people you also run the risk of destroying your credibility and witness. If somebody insisted on calling the 45th president "Donalth Thrump" would you take them seriously? Yet this is literally what The Scriptures is doing, teaching its readers to pronounce D and T with a TH sound - and that's not even the worst of it. Here's a heads up on the six ways The Scriptures teaches bad Hebrew.

"The Scriptures" teaches bad Hebrew. (3/7)

One of the reasons "The Scriptures" has become popular is because it uses Hebrew words and names. The problem is that it transliterates them wrong, leaving its unsuspecting readers sounding lispy, congested, and infantile. Nobody wants to try using the new words they're learning only to be looked at funny or corrected. But even more importantly, if you don't learn Hebrew the way it's actually used by the Jewish people you also run the risk of destroying your credibility and witness. If somebody insisted on calling the 45th president "Donalth Thrump" would you take them seriously? Yet this is literally what The Scriptures is doing, teaching its readers to pronounce D and T with a TH sound - and that's not even the worst of it. Here's a heads up on the six ways The Scriptures teaches bad Hebrew.

The translators of "The Scriptures" are inconsistent and misleading with the Hebrew word "elohim". When it's the one true God they transliterate and capitalize it as "Elohim" but when it's other gods they just translate it as "mighty ones". They then try to make the case that our English word "God" comes from the ancient Hebrew "Gad" and claim that "God" is actually a dirty word having to do with pagan deities and sex. That's stupid. If Gad/God isn't ok why will it be written on one of the gates of the New Jerusalem? The Scriptures has some other translation issues we'll also address in this conversation but at the very least, let this truth set you free.

"The Scriptures" calls God a dirty word. (4/7)

The translators of "The Scriptures" are inconsistent and misleading with the Hebrew word "elohim". When it's the one true God they transliterate and capitalize it as "Elohim" but when it's other gods they just translate it as "mighty ones". They then try to make the case that our English word "God" comes from the ancient Hebrew "Gad" and claim that "God" is actually a dirty word having to do with pagan deities and sex. That's stupid. If Gad/God isn't ok why will it be written on one of the gates of the New Jerusalem? The Scriptures has some other translation issues we'll also address in this conversation but at the very least, let this truth set you free.

"Come Out Of Her My People" is published by the Institute for Scripture Research. This book teaches that the commandment to "not mention the names of other gods" is so literal that it's sinful to even say the names of pagan gods, never mind that you can't read the Bible out loud anymore. It goes to the extreme of trying to censor words like justice, grace, Bible, and Son of Man from the English language because they're supposedly pagan, even though the New Testament doesn't teach that. It also drags the English and Greek names of Jesus Christ and the Lord God through the mud, unphased by the fact that the Apostles were ok with the Septuagint. This is the dark and insane backdrop to "The Scriptures" Bible. If you've been caught by these lies please let the truth presented here set you free.

"Come Out Of Her My People" teaches #ThingsJesusNeverSaid. (5/7)

"Come Out Of Her My People" is published by the Institute for Scripture Research. This book teaches that the commandment to "not mention the names of other gods" is so literal that it's sinful to even say the names of pagan gods, never mind that you can't read the Bible out loud anymore. It goes to the extreme of trying to censor words like justice, grace, Bible, and Son of Man from the English language because they're supposedly pagan, even though the New Testament doesn't teach that. It also drags the English and Greek names of Jesus Christ and the Lord God through the mud, unphased by the fact that the Apostles were ok with the Septuagint. This is the dark and insane backdrop to "The Scriptures" Bible. If you've been caught by these lies please let the truth presented here set you free.

There are seven Hebrew/Aramaic New Testaments and all of them write the name of the Messiah as ื™ืฉื•ืข, pronounced "Yeshua". The Scriptures disregards this and writes his name as ื™ื”ื•ืฉืข, or Yehoshua. These two spellings are pronounced the same in spoken Hebrew and both are used in reference to both Joshua and Jeshua the post-exilic High Priest but "The Scriptures" tries to make one spelling right and the other wrong, even going so far as to attack the name of Yeshua as not being the name above all names. To make matters worse, the ISR then miswrites Yehoshua as Yahushua because that's how the Assyrians, who had no "o" sound in their spoken or written language, wrote it. In this conversation we slowly and methodically dismantle the ISR's misinformation and junk scholarship on this topic and finish by encouraging you to learn your Hebrew from the Jewish people and not from ancient Nazis.

"The Scriptures" attacks Yeshua's name. (6/7)

There are seven Hebrew/Aramaic New Testaments and all of them write the name of the Messiah as ื™ืฉื•ืข, pronounced "Yeshua". The Scriptures disregards this and writes his name as ื™ื”ื•ืฉืข, or Yehoshua. These two spellings are pronounced the same in spoken Hebrew and both are used in reference to both Joshua and Jeshua the post-exilic High Priest but "The Scriptures" tries to make one spelling right and the other wrong, even going so far as to attack the name of Yeshua as not being the name above all names. To make matters worse, the ISR then miswrites Yehoshua as Yahushua because that's how the Assyrians, who had no "o" sound in their spoken or written language, wrote it. In this conversation we slowly and methodically dismantle the ISR's misinformation and junk scholarship on this topic and finish by encouraging you to learn your Hebrew from the Jewish people and not from ancient Nazis.

"The Scriptures" makes false accusations and is a trojan horse. (7/7)

The Institute for Scripture Research makes very serious accusations against anyone not trying to use the Sacred Name. But what did Yeshua do? Let's look at the sources proving that he followed the Jewish tradition of saying "Adonai", addressed God as his "Abba Father" and taught his disciples to do the same. The simple truth is that our Messiah did not have a Sacred Name agenda.

Dear friend, this is the last of our seven conversations about The Scriptures. In this extremely thorough review the teachings of the ISR have been weighed in the balance of truth and found severely wanting. "The Scriptures" is the best of the Sacred Name Bibles but it's still a trojan horse full of bad fruit. Come away from the ISR and the Sacred Name movement, touch not the unclean thing, and let the truth set you free.

The Hebrew equivalent of "Alpha & Omega", "Aleph & Tav" is an unstranslateable Hebrew word that occurs throughout Tanach. While serving a grammatical purpose by pointing to the direct object in a sentence, "ืืช" sometimes does have a deeper meaning, even pointing to Messiah - a fact which even the ancient sages acknowledged. The Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures could be useful in bringing this forth. The problem is all the Sacred Name misinformation and weirdness mixed in - for instance calling God "the Yah-head" and calling the Messiah "Yahushua", a mispronunciation derived from ancient Nazis which we thoroughly dismantle in our review of "The Scriptures" above. Not to mention, these books are really expensive - well over $100 each. Why not save your money and just learn basic Hebrew so you can find all the Aleph-Tavs right there in the actual text for yourself?

๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures: Weird

The Hebrew equivalent of "Alpha & Omega", "Aleph & Tav" is an unstranslateable Hebrew word that occurs throughout Tanach. While serving a grammatical purpose by pointing to the direct object in a sentence, "ืืช" sometimes does have a deeper meaning, even pointing to Messiah - a fact which even the ancient sages acknowledged. The Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures could be useful in bringing this forth. The problem is all the Sacred Name misinformation and weirdness mixed in - for instance calling God "the Yah-head" and calling the Messiah "Yahushua", a mispronunciation derived from the imperial Assyrians which we thoroughly dismantle in our review of "The Scriptures" above. Not to mention, these books are really expensive - well over $100 each. Why not save your money and just learn basic Hebrew so you can find all the Aleph-Tavs right there in the actual text for yourself?

Aramaic New Testament written in Hebrew letters on the right-hand page with an English translation on the left. The Aramaic version of the name of God "Maryah" is translated "Master YHWH", "Alaha" is "Elohim", and the aberrant spelling "Y'shua Mashiyach" is used for the Master, making this an ideal Sacred Name Bible. The AENT embodies the valuable scholarship of Andrew Gabriel Roth on the Peshitta NT. Unfortunately these insights are lost in the toxic Sacred Name ideology running through the footnotes and appended essays in this book which, it appears, were mostly penned by his co-producer. Between "10 Problems" and our critique of "The Scriptures" these Sacred Name delusions were already dealt with so we'll leave it at that. Thankfully this book is out of print and mostly unavailable. We recommend Roth's books for the scholarship without the poison:

๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป Aramaic English New Testament: Toxic

Aramaic New Testament written in Hebrew letters on the right-hand page with an English translation on the left. The Aramaic version of the name of God "Maryah" is translated "Master YHWH", "Alaha" is "Elohim", and the aberrant spelling "Y'shua Mashiyach" is used for the Master, making this an ideal Sacred Name Bible. The AENT embodies the valuable scholarship of Andrew Gabriel Roth on the Peshitta NT. Unfortunately these insights are lost in the toxic Sacred Name ideology running through the footnotes and appended essays in this book which, it appears, were mostly penned by his co-producer. Between "10 Problems" and our critique of "The Scriptures" these Sacred Name delusions were already dealt with so we'll leave it at that. This book is out of print and mostly unavailable. We recommend Roth's books for the scholarship without the poison:ย 

1. The Strong's # is written after every word and complete Strong's is inserted in back, making this book choppy to read and bulky to carry. 2. It deceptively translates elohim in two ways, see review of The Scriptures above. 3. Are we the only ones who think it sounds presumptuous to call yourselves "Yahweh's Restoration Ministry"? 4. They literally get Messiah's name wrong. Instead of ื™ืฉื•ืข which is how every Hebrew NT writes it, they use the longer form ื™ื”ื•ืฉืข (see review of The Scriptures for why this is wrong.) But then instead of "Yehoshua" which is how every Jewish person and scholar says it, they make up "Yahshua". The problem is that this is a different word with a different meaning: Yah+shua or ื™ื”+ืฉื•ืข. Shua/ืฉืื•ึผืขึท is Strong's #H7769; look it up in the back of this book and you'll see that it means "cries for help". Yahshua isn't a Hebrew name but it does have a Hebrew meaning: "Yah cries for help". This is blasphemous.

๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป Restoration Study Bible: Blasphemous

This isn't the worst Sacred Name Bible but it still has serious problems. 1. It deceptively translates elohim in two ways, see review of The Scriptures above. 2. Are we the only ones who think it sounds presumptuous to call yourselves "Yahweh's Restoration Ministry"? 3. They literally get Messiah's name wrong. Instead of ื™ืฉื•ืข which is how every Hebrew NT writes it, they use the longer form ื™ื”ื•ืฉืข (see review of The Scriptures for why this is wrong.) But then instead of "Yehoshua" which is how every Jewish person and scholar says it, they make up "Yahshua". The problem is that this is a different word with a different meaning: Yah+shua or ื™ื”+ืฉื•ืข. Shua/ืฉืื•ึผืขึท is Strong's #H7769; look it up in the back of this book and you'll see that it means "cries for help". Yahshua isn't a Hebrew name but it does have a Hebrew meaning: "Yah cries for help". This borders on blasphemous.

This book butchers both Hebrew and English in ways that are downright perverse. There is no good reason to write "s" as "c" in Amoc, Ecter, Cukkoth, Kiclev, Ciynai, etc. Disfiguring "Israel" as "Yashar'el" is a slap in every Jewish face. The claim that "the Hebrew word eth (ืืช) means divine" is an unsubstantiated lie. And trying to twist Messiah's name to "Yahusha" is outrageous. "Joshua" (Strong's #H3091) is usually spelled "ื™ึฐื”ื•ึบืฉึปืืขึท" but there are two places (Deuteronomy 3:21 and Judges 2:7) where the full spelling "ื™ึฐื”ื•ึบืฉืื•ึผืขึท" is used, making this twisted pronunciation impossible. Instead of repenting, the people behind the Eth-Cepher actually discredit the way the Bible spells this name by saying "we do not hold that this is accurate" and then claim that it's actually a different name with a different meaning. Just wow.

๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป Eth-Cepher: Perverse

This book butchers both Hebrew and English in ways that are downright perverse. There is no good reason to write "s" as "c" in Amoc, Ecter, Cukkoth, Kiclev, Ciynai, etc. Disfiguring "Israel" as "Yashar'el" is a slap in every Jewish face. The claim that "the Hebrew word eth (ืืช) means divine" is an unsubstantiated lie. And trying to twist Messiah's name to "Yahusha" is outrageous. "Joshua" (Strong's #H3091) is usually spelled "ื™ึฐื”ื•ึบืฉึปืืขึท" but there are two places (Deuteronomy 3:21 and Judges 2:7) where the full spelling "ื™ึฐื”ื•ึบืฉืื•ึผืขึท" is used, making this twisted pronunciation impossible. Instead of repenting, the people behind the Eth-Cepher actually discredit the way the Bible spells this name by saying "we do not hold that this is accurate" and then claim that it's actually a different name with a different meaning. Just wow.

The "Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version" outdoes even the Eth-Cepher in its perverse determination to mangle the Hebrew language beyond recognition in order to not have to say anything the Jewish way. How many of these seemingly drunk-texted Hebrew words can you recognize? Alahim, turah, ash/ashah, guyim, uyiqara, shabathuth. How about these incoherently misspelled Hebrew names? Yisharal, Kuah, Kam, Kanok, Farah, Lui, Muab, Mushah. Even the attempted use of "Natsarim" as "the correct term used for the original followers of Yahusha" is wrong. The Hebrew word for Nazarenes is "ื ึนืฆึฐืจึดื™ื" and is pronounced "Notsrim", see Strong's #H5341. And most importantly, their mispronuncation of the Master's name as "Yahusha" is proven incorrect from the two times quoted above where the full spelling of "Joshua" as "ื™ึฐื”ื•ึบืฉืื•ึผืขึท" renders it impossible. Even more wow.

๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป Besorah Of Yahusha: More Perverse

The "Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version" outdoes even the Eth-Cepher in its perverse determination to mangle the Hebrew language beyond recognition in order to not have to say anything the Jewish way. How many of these seemingly drunk-texted Hebrew words can you recognize? Alahim, turah, ash/ashah, guyim, uyiqara, shabathuth. How about these incoherently misspelled Hebrew names? Yisharal, Kuah, Kam, Kanok, Farah, Lui, Muab, Mushah. Even the attempted use of "Natsarim" as "the correct term used for the original followers of Yahusha" is wrong. The Hebrew word for Nazarenes is "ื ึนืฆึฐืจึดื™ื" and is pronounced "Notsrim", see Strong's #H5341. And most importantly, their mispronuncation of the Master's name as "Yahusha" is proven incorrect from the two times quoted above where the full spelling of "Joshua" as "ื™ึฐื”ื•ึบืฉืื•ึผืขึท" renders it impossible. Even more wow.

The author and editor of this work openly practices and teaches polygamy. Yet one more example of the unclean spirit behind the Sacred Name movement and the teachings and 'Bibles' it has spawned.

๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป Dabar Yhuh: Immoral

The author and editor of this work openly practices and teaches polygamy. Yet one more disgusting example of the unclean spirit behind the Sacred Name movement and the teachings and 'Bibles' it has spawned.

This is a plagiarized version of The Scriptures so much of what we said above also applies to this version. The people behind this version are engaged in deceptive and even fraudulent criminal activities; see the evidence here. More red flegs: their website claims it's "the superior and most anointed version so far" and "the only version done according to His law"; their Hebrew is garbage - "qodeshi" isn't a word; they take paganoia to new heights of insanity, even cancelling "set apart" as pagan because of the Egyptian god "Set"!

๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป Halleluyah Scriptures: Criminal

This is a plagiarized version of The Scriptures so much of what we said in our review of that version also applies here. The people behind this version are engaged in deceptive and even fraudulent criminal activities; see the evidence here. More red flags: their website claims it's "the superior and most anointed version so far" and "the only version done according to His law"; their Hebrew is garbage - "qodeshi" isn't a word; and they take paganoia to new heights of insanity, even cancelling "set apart" as pagan because of the Egyptian god "Set"!